Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The RTCM messages are sent over the Internet by two servers, 
one written in the Python language, and the other supplied by 
the EUREF-IP within the NTRIP project. 
Figure I. The GPS+GLONASS Permanent Station CAGZ 
2.2 The DGGI Server 
The Python language was chosen for its features of portability 
between different OSs and rapid application development. 
Given the peculiar characteristics of the server, we did not use 
the standard server classes of the Python library (much more 
oriented towards FTP- or HTTP-like servers). 
The DGPS server main program (base dgps stream.py) uses 
two class libraries ("modules", in Python terms). The first one 
(gril.py) defines the classes used to communicate with the Javad 
GPS receiver, using its proprietary GPS Receiver Interface 
Language (GRIL). The other (TCP Broadcaster.py) defines the 
TCP Broadcaster class, which is the actual TCP server. The 
main program thus creates the two objects, "receiver" and 
"server", connects them, and initializes the RTCM messages 
The figure 2 shows the UML sequence diagram of the server. 
Basically, the server waits for connection requests on the TCP 
2101 port (assigned by IANA for the DGPS transmissions Over 
the Internet). Every client which sends a connection request is 
added to a list of active clients. At the same time, the program 
checks if new data are available on the receiver by using the 
select() system call. If this is the case, it downloads the new data 
and sends them to all the connected clients. If while sending 
data to a client a TCP error (ECONNRESET or ENOTCONN) 
is encountered, this means that the client is no longer listening; 
thus, the connection is closed and the client is removed from the 
The DGPS corrections (RTCM 1 and 31 messages) are sent 
every 3 seconds while the station information (messages 3 and 
16 with the station name and coordinates) are sent every 30 
seconds. At the present time, the station also sends the RTCM 
18 and 19 messages for RTK. 
The service has a web page with all the information about the 
permanent station and the transmitted RTCM messages. The 
service, which is online since July 2002, is free of charge. The 
DGGI server software code is available upon request (the 
receiver setup and communication modules are specific to the 
Javad-Topcon receiver). 
Differential GPS/GLONASS via Internet 
Diagramma di Sequenza — Base DGPS 
Versione Single— Thread (definitiva) 
Server: updater — registry registry[i 
TCP_Broadcaster PortWatcher Setv. Registry SingleServer 
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add (server) 
invia al client 
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Figure 2. Scheme of the DGGI Server 
2.3 The NTRIP Server 
The NTRIP Server, supplied by the EUREF-IP project, uses a 
protocol based on HTTP/1.1, adapted to support the streaming 
of GNSS data. The system is implemented in three applications, 
named NrripServer, NtripClient and NtripCaster. The former 
two are technically HTTP clients, while the latter is the true 
HTTP server. The NtripServer software runs on the permanent 
station PC, and as a client connects to the NtripCaster on the 
port 80 (assigned to the HTTP protocol), then sends to it the 
differential corrections as the receiver produces them. 
The NtripCaster is a HTTP server based on /cecast, a free 
(GNU license) software designed to broadcast streaming media 
(mainly audio and video) on the Internet. Such an architecture 
was chosen for its ability to send its data to many users (even 
thousands) at the same time. The NtripCaster, redesigned to 
manage GNSS data, keeps updated a “source table" listing all 
the active data sources (permanent stations) which can supply 
RTCM corrections. 
The NtripClient, or “GNSS Internet Radio”, runs on the client 
computer (be it a common PC , a lap-top, or a hand-held system 
with Windows CE), which is connected to the "rover" GPS 
receiver by a serial cable. Upon starting, the software 
downloads the source table; the user selects the station whose 
RTCM correction will be used (usually the nearest one); then, 
the sofiware connects to the chosen station and starts 
downloading the corrections, which are sent to the receiver 
through the serial port. 
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