Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
http://europa.eu.int/comnvresearch/security/pdf/hale uaw en.pd 
f (accessed 29 Apr. 2004) 
Dell, C. 2003. Lockheed Martin Wins $40 Million Contract to 
Develop High Altitude Airship for Missile Defense, Other 
http://www .lockheedmartin.com/^wms/findPage.do?dsp-fec&ci 
=13275&rsbi=0&fti=112&ti=0&sc=400 (accessed 29 Apr. 
Erast, 2004. 
http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Research/ErasUVindex.html | (accessed 
29 April 2004) 
Everaerts, J., Lewyckyj, N., Fransaer, D., 2004. PEGASUS: 
Design of a Stratospheric Long Endurance UAV System for 
Remote Sensing. Accepted for The International Archives of the 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, GITC, Lemmer, The Netherlands. 
Frost & Sullivan, 2001. European Commercial Remote Sensing 
Data End-Users Markets, Report B020). Londen, UK. 
Heliplat, 2000. http://www. helinet.polito.it/heliplat.htm 
(accessed 29 April 2004) 
Küke, R., 2000. HALE Acrostatic Platforms, ESA Study 
Contract Report, contract 13243/98/NL/JG 
Mondello, C., Hepner, G.F., Williamson, R.A., 2004. 10-Year 
Industry Forecast. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing 70 (1), pp. 5 — 76. 
OC-GIS, 2002. Conceptueel Ontwerp  Grootschalig 
Referentiebestand, versie 4.0. 
OC-GIS, 2003. Nieuwsbrief GIS-Vlaanderen, Nr. 16. 
http://web.gisvlaanderen.be/gis/downloads/Nbrief 16.pdf 
Van Speybroeck D., Sayag, . (2004). Vegetation Program: New 
distribution policy - New tools, 2™ Vegetation International 
Conference, 24-26 March 2004, Antwerp, Belgium. 
Parts of the work presented were sponsored by ESA and the 
Ministry of the Flemish Community. 

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