Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

anbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Geographical objects are grouped into 3 classes (Fig. 12): 
|. public and craftsmen buildings (sacred buildings, 
stod, gymnasium, thermal baths, public services 
buildings and infrastructures); 
2. residential buildings (building units characterized by 
decorative, functional and typological features ); 
3. streets (main and secondary constituting the layout of 
the city). 
Fig. 12 - Classes of geographical objects 
Streets layout is hierarchical relevant as it is the connection 
element between other areas (all other features). 
The information relating to the upper enumerated areas are 
connected, in the database, to streets that are crossed from. 
Every street is mainly defined by a code and a name (that was 
attributed by archaeologists or public owner). 
The code is constituted by two couple of integers numbers, the 
first specify the theme, the second the class, so the whole code 
field exists in a domain of integer numbers. 
Every class comprises the set of different parts in which a street 
is divided, so every part constitutes recognizing element of the 
areas that are crossed by. 
A code is associated to every part of these. 
Public and private buildings, and their open spaces, constitute 
geographical elements which are connected with specific 
information, regarding building reference types, spatial 
distributive features, the presence of decorative elements 
(mosaics, frescoes and other artistic elements), the type of use, 
the stages of constructions (deriving from specific 
archaeological studies), etc. 
All this entities are defined by a code and a name. 
Also in this case the code is constituted by two couple of 
numbers: the first specifying the theme (01 — public buildings 
and services, 02 — residential buildings), the second specifying 
the class. In order to better describe each building, it also exists 
a database with room data coded by a couple of numbers. 
The definition of the structure of information system is 
finalized to facilitate the information management, during the 
navigation, through the software . 
The multimedia guide has been realized using Enhanced Visual 
Basic” for Pocket PC 2002 and MapInfo MapX Mobile SDK”. 
MapX Mobile SDK gives the application all the base functions 
to manage base maps and the geodatabase. 
So the Pocket ArcheoNav has got the main functions of a 
geographic client to query the database and to change the 
thematic representation of geographical objects (the features). 
The support for managing GPS data was written, by the 
research group, in order to manage the data received by GPS 
After the launch and map loading, the application goes in 
moving map state when the GPS button is pressed. 
When the visitor goes around and enter into any feature area, 
the software performs a simple calculation to check if the 
visitor has never been in this area, and in affirmative case the 
guide message starts. To be sure that a point is really inside an 
feature area, a subroutine has been written that may calculate 
both the average value on a predefined number of points, 
received by the GPS unit, or the percentage of a predefined 
number of point that fall inside the feature area. The most 
suitable. way to estimate the visitor position is through thc 
second method: the position is given good if the 80% of 5 
points are inside a feature, but the percentage value or the 
number of points may be changed. 
The PocketPc used for the experimentation is a HP IPAQ 5450 
with 64 MB of RAM (Arm Xscale processor), equipped with an 
expansion memory SD card of 256 MB. The speed of the 
processor is of main importance for this kind of application. 
File View Tools 
Fig. 13 — The main screen of the software application 
The geodatabase is built using ArcGIS® then exported in 
MapInfo? by which is created the MapInfo geoset, that is also 
supported by MapX Mobile SDK*. 
Sound data files are converted in MP3 format to save space. 
The database has a minimal dimension and structure in order to 
save memory and to improve the execution speed of the 
Every point is received. by the GPS, in geographical 
coordinates in WGS84 datum and is converted by a subroutine 

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