Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
panchromatic imagé ETM data of 15m spatial 
resolution eighth band on October 2000. 
The area sum relative mean square error of causing 
by RS area measuring and counting overall sum of RS 
monitoring area on whole monitoring region, its 
value was 0.6 percent during October 2000 to 
October 2001; its value was 1.5 percent during 
October 1998 to October 2000. 
Applying advanced PCI 8.1 version software to go in 
for inside works interpretation, land-using changed 
information had been discovered in the greatest 
extent on the situation of combination of various data 
type; close integration of GPS and RS had been 
This project accomplished unified display and 
transferring allocation management, formed change 
map-speck information management system, 
established various land classification spectrum 
feature map-speck image database, obtained the 
monitoring achievement integrated by paper drawing, 
vector graph, image, text data. 
Adopting DOM and DEM to rectify mountain area 
satellites image, could promote correction precision 
to a great extent. Applying various methods to pick 
up change map-speck information, could check each 
other just as going on inside works, reduced the 
occasion of error and omission. 
Making use of SPOT data of 10m spatial resolution, 
could discovered change map-speck of more than 
2000m^ area. Making use of ETM data of 15m 
spatial resolution, could discovered change 
> ? 
map-speck of more than 6660m^ area. 
Land-using modification investigation should go on 
modification according to actual situation, and 
accomplished continuity of drawing with statistics 
data. Land-using modification investigation methods 
and step along with offering achievement should as 
far as possible accomplish identical with RS 
Monitoring works, should make two workss be 
replenished and be perfect together, achieved the 
effect of complement each other. 
[1] Zhi-gang.Sha, Wen-zhang.Qi, 2001, 2000 Year 
Land-using Trends RS Monitoring Achievement 
Compilation. Surveying and Mapping Press, 
Beijing, pp. 47-85. 
[2] Shi-yuan.Wang, Zhi-gang.Sha, Yan-li.Gao, etc. 
1999, Land-using Trends RS Monitoring Rules. 
Geology Press, 
Beijing, pp.3-18 

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