Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
imaging (Pantham, 2000). AVHRR channels 1, 2 and 5 are 
converted to “Bufteredlmage” objects using BufferedImage 
class functionality. A BufferedImage object contains two other 
objects: a "Raster" and a "ColorModel". The Raster class 
provides the image data management, whereas the ColorModel 
class provides a colour interpretation of the pixel data provided 
by the Raster. The Java2 code implementing the NDVI 
algorithm consists of 5 different modules, which are activated 
remotely by the GIS web services: 
a) Image Viewer Module: Used to view the produced 
images. Not used for the web service implementation. 
b) Calibration Module: It consists of three different 
classes performing the image calibration with the use 
of pre-launch calibration coefficients. It produces a 
new Buffered [mage for each AVHRR channel. 
c) NDVI Module: This module uses the calibrated 
channels 1 and 2 and produces the intermediate NDVI 
image according to the Eq. (1). 
d) Cloud Mask Module: It uses the calibrated channels 1 
and 5 and produces the cloud mask image according 
to Chrysoulakis and Cartalis (2002). 
e) Export Module: This module combines the cloud 
mask image and the intermediate NDVI image and 
produces the final NDVI image. In the latter, all 
pixels corresponded to clouds have been masked as 
shown in Figure 2. Finally, the NDVI product is 
stored in the application's database. 
Figure 2. The NDVI product for Crete, Greece on June 18, 2003 
In this section an overall description of the design of an 
environmental web services framework is provided. Moreover 
both the implementation and deployment of the services are 
discussed. Specifically the tools and the framework utilized in 
the implementation are presented, along with the developed 
services. The NDVI algorithm was chosen as a demonstration 
because it is a simple algorithm and rather simple to implement 
using only satellite data, since our focus is on the services of the 
framework. Furthermore, it can be used to calculate other 
parameters like land surface temperature. 
4.1 Servers and services 
As described in Section 2, there are various actions taking place 
in the server side of the web services interaction process. 
Mainly the “service” component is a server based component, 
which inevitably will return some results to the requesting 
client. Many tools are available in order to facilitate building of 
web services. Our goal was to focus on open source tools and 
environments on the one hand (making sure beforehand that all 
the required functionality will be there) and on easily deployed 
and used services on the other, since we are targeting a non 
computer science audience. 
To create a server environment for the proposed framework a 
simple LINUX box is adequate to perform the server role. The 
ApacheTM Web server (Apache Foundation, 2004), along with 
TOMCATTM (Apache Foundation, 2004) as the servlet 
container, was used to facilitate web server support. TOMCAT 
is a full blown servlet container that provides support through 
AXIS (Apache Foundation, 2004) for web services. It provides 
a mechanism to accept and dispatch SOAP messages in order to 
facilitate communication among the server and the requesting 
The overall implementation for both the server and the client is 
done in Java. Java consolidates almost all of the required 
capabilities for such a system, being both platform and system 
independent, having an extensive background support and use 
in the web services arena, being extensively used and supported 
by the open source community and finally having already in 
place the required APIs for such a task. 
For the services implementation the J2EE (SUN Microsystems, 
2004) platform was the underlying toolkit. On J2EE is based the 
implementation of AXIS, that is used for supporting web 
services creation and discovery. AXIS provides also tools for 
automatic generation of the description XML based documents 
for each service. These documents describe in WSDL the 
required inputs and expected output of the service. The overall 
architecture of the framework is depicted in Figure3. 
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Figure 3. The overall web services’ architecture. 
4.2 Imaging service 
The first building block of the framework is the imaging web 
service. This service takes as input NOAA satellite images as 
described in Section 3. These images are undergoing a specific 
transformation procedure, making them available for use by the 
NDVI calculation web service. The satellite imaging service 
can also be used as a standalone service in case users would like 
to take into their hands not the processed NDVI images but the 
raw satellite data, with or without a performed transformation. 
This service handles satellite images in order to provide them 
either to the user directly or to the service following this one. It 
can participate in services chaining usually being the ring in the 
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