Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
and suitability of the images. It also configurable if the image 
has to be sent to the end user or should be “forwarded” to 
another service (saving that way time and bandwidth, especially 
if the next service is running out of the same server, minimizing 
interaction with the end user). Users can also select the required 
area. The way this is done is left to the client application (the 
web service cares only about the bounding 
coordinates and not of the way they were chosen). 
4.3 NDVI calculation service 
This is the web service that actually implements online the 
NDVI calculation algorithm described in Section 3. This is a 
chained web service: it needs the satellite imaging web service 
in order to get the satellite images in the required format. The 
algorithm produces in turn a series of intermediate images, 
which can also become available to the end user by user's 
request through the web service interface. The output of the 
web service is a processed NDVI image. The distinct steps of 
the calculation algorithm can be transparent or not depending 
on the user's request. The whole processing takes place at the 
server and the user is only receiving the final image, thus 
reducing the overall downloading times and wasted network 
There are several open issues in the area. It seems the ability to 
provide a caching scheme for the produced images. Users might 
select again and again the same images, so such a scheme 
would have saved redundant and repeating computations. On 
the other hand a balance has to be implemented in order for the 
system to actually take into account the proposed use of the 
service in order to decide if it needs to reproduce the same 
image (for example one image for download purposes only 
might be treated differently than an image that needs to be used 
in NDVI calculations). Another interesting issue is the ability to 
formally describe the produced NDVI images. This introduces 
the necessity of a semantic description language like RDF/S or 
OWL and the production of a corresponding ontology. 
4.4 Publication and Discovery of services 
Although the need to publish the web services in a service 
repository is planned in the framework design, so as to allow of 
easy and seamless discovery of the services, it is not 
implemented yet. The small number of the implemented web 
services does not make it necessary for such a publication since 
a link can be provided to the requesting client through the Web 
Service Description Language (WSDL). 
But the lack of such a universal repository makes publication 
and discovery rather a difficult task at the moment. This does 
not affect the functionality of the proposed framework is 
planned for future development, being associated with the fact 
that the overall design calls for the broader possible availability 
of the services. The AXIS web services framework supports the 
addition of publication and discovery catalogues at a later stage 
and this step will follow. The necessary messages (SOAP 
messages) are already being produced by the framework, 
making the adoption to the use of a cataloguing service 
45 Client Applications 
Clients are being developed in conjunction to the proposed web 
services framework in order to provide a demonstration means 
of it. Clients are showing the ability of almost anybody to 
connect to the framework by calling and using the appropriate 
web service. The developed so far clients are targeted the expert 
environmental modelling community, instead they are just 
demonstrating the feasibility and availability of services. 
Anybody is invited to built its own client, either desktop or web 
based, upon the framework, which is and will remain open to 
the environmental community. 
Two kinds of clients to the environmental monitoring web 
services are being developed. The first one is a web based 
client, which presents the information to the end users through a 
standard web site. Users can supply through web forms the 
required input (like the area of interest, the index they want to 
be calculated, etc). The processed information is returned to 
them through one or more web pages. The web-based client 
application does not require any installation from the user side 
and only allows the user to save the resulting image. 
Discovery and Publication Services 
LT 0 
Figure 4. The chained web services communicate inside the 
framework using SOAP messages. 
The local client application is "calling" the web services as it 
would have done with any software library bundled with it. The 
results are downloaded through the internet to the local 
application and extra processing can occur at the local level. 
This application can combine these data with locally stored data 
or with data form other external sources or web services. This 
shows that superior functionality can be incorporated to a local 
client application but on the other hand such an application is 
more demanding form the client machine. Usually a desktop 
application requires some kind of installation and of course an 
internet connection in order to access the web services and 
retrieve the results. It is important to note here that the client 
application can be developed totally independently from the 
services framework and can be in any language that supports 
use of web services. The overall approach is based on the 
production and exchange of the corresponding SOAP messages 
that describe both the necessary results and the communication 

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