Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
approximately the same area, although such data is acquired 
approximately 55 second later than the nadir looking data. 
Higher level data is also available. Higher level product 
includes relative reflectance/emissivity, 
reflectance/temperature/emissivity after atmospheric correction, 
DEM/Ortho-rectified image. To keep the quality of the product, 
version up of the algorithm is sometimes conducted. 
ASTER Standard & Semi-standard Products 
Product Name Description 
Level 1A V:15m,S:30m, T:90m 
Level 1B V:15m,S:30m, T:90m 
2A02 Relative SpeciaEmissivity 90m 
2A03 V, Relative Spectral Reflectance 15m 
2A03 S VNIR, SWIR 30m 
2B01 V, Surface Radiance 15m 
2B01 S. VNIR, SWIR, TIR 30m 
2B01 T 90m 
2B05 V, Surface Reflectance 15m 
2B05 5 VNIR, SWIK 30m 
2B03 Surface Temperature 90m 
2B04 SurfaceEmissivity 
3A01 Orthographic Image '"VI5m*DEM. S30m-DEM.T904- DEM 
4A01Z Relative DEM Z Z (Default 30m) 
Table 2 Product List of ASTER Data 
Once product is generated in the ASTER GDS, data can be 
distributed in form of CD-ROM or by network. In the beginning 
of the ASTER operation, most of the data distribution are by 
CCD, but, recently, reflecting the development of high speed 
network, on line distribution becomes more and more popular. 
One scene of LIB product is about 120 MB, and that of L3A, 
240 MB. Therefore, the time for data transfer is not significant. 
This network distribution becomes available not only in North 
America, Europe, Korea, Japan, but also in some countries in 
South-Eastern Asia. This capability increases the world wide 
data use, jointly because of the payment by credit card. 
Data search is one of the key factors for data distribution. Since 
the archived scene number already exceeds 700 thousands, 
efficient data search is mandatory requirement. Since the orbit 
of Terra could be shifted by +/- 20 km from the nominal orbit, 
and also because the 60 km swath is less than the distance 
between two adjacent path, simple sorting by the path cannot be 
applied and a special S/W is devised for quick search. But, for 
specific area, faster search method from selected data set is also 
in operation. 
Once data is distributed, user should read the data as the first 
step. ASTER GDS is distributed aster data in EOS HDF and 
CEOS. Initially, the EOS HDF format was not very popular. 
But, recently, there are more and more Image Processing S/W 
or GIS S/W began supporting EOS HDS data. By this way, full 
capability of ASTER data can be efficiently used. 
1) By checking ASTER data, we will be able to conclude that 
the overall performance is as expected. Especially, 
following factors seemed to be technologically difficult, but 
were successful: a) Band to Band registration; b) Geometric 
accuracy; c) S/N, especially in 5 band TIR; d) Dynamic 
2) There were a few features to be improved: a) Cross talk in 
SWIR. b) Coverage of the target area : The swath of the data 
is 60 km, while the distance between two adjacent paths is 
172 km. To cover the targct arca, ASTER sensor should pass 
more than 3 times c) Improvement of cloud evaluation 
In addition, ASTER has been operating for more than 4 years 
without major problem. So, its operation will be extended to 
2007, beyond the design life time.. 
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2. Fujisada, H.,1994: Overview of ASTER instrument on EOS- 
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3. Yamaguchi, Y., Tsu, H., Kahle, A. B., and Nichols, D. 
A.,1994: ASTER instrument design and science objectives, 
American Institute of Aeronautics Paper, No. 94-0597, 7p 
4. Watanabe, H.,1995: Development of ASTER Ground Data 
System, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 
Vol.15, No.2, pp24 (116)-27(119) 
5. Fujisada, H. and Watanabe, H.,1994: ASTER Level-1 data 
processing concept, Proc. SPIE Vol.2317, pp6-17, Rome, Italy 
6. Yamaguchi, Y. etal.,1995 ASTER Data Acquisition 
Scenario, Proc. SPIE, Vol.2583, pp.41-50, Paris, France 
7. Watanabe, H. and Sato, I. , 1995: Preliminary Design 
Concept of ASTER Ground Data System. Proc. SPIE, 
V 01.2583, pp.26-40, Paris, France 
8. Watanabe, H., Tsu, H., and Sato, 1.,1998: Technical 
Challenge of the ASTER Ground Data System. Proc. SPIE, 
Vol.3498, pp.45-52, Barcelona, Spain 
9. Sato, I., Watanabe, H., and Tsu, H.,1999: Technical 
Challenge of the ASTER Ground Data System. Proc. SPIE, 
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11. Miura,A. T. Inada, Y. Kannari,H. Watanabe,2002 : 
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*e* pp. **-** Sicily, Ttaly 

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