Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
analyses over the correct overlap can be done 
immediately to see, if additional photos are 
needed. The data can be uses as initialization- 
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parameters for photogrammetric orientation 
and  bundle-block ^ adjustment in aero 
triangulation software. 
Figure 3: Screenshot of the planning tool for 
scanning campaigns 
The application for scanning, f.e. with aerial 
lidar or optical MS-sensors, is similar like for 
aerial imaging. Usually already a GPS-INS is 
installed, to far a interface to such a sensor can 
be defined. 
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In the planning part, the scan angle and the 4 —— 
à Start/Stop scenning coordinates 
Check and confirm coordinates of start/stop scanning + 
coordinates og For 
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H 1 4491504 5598542 4451286 $5983). 
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« Zurück [Beenden] Abbruch 
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overlap of the strip. The other things are 
moreless the same as for aerial photographs. 
The scan width is directly connected to the roll parameter and 
the terrain. In some sensors, the distance of the outer points 
are computed online, so far the width can be computed 
directly. As an online-monitor, the implemented displays 
show the roll values and its limits. The already scanned area 
will be displayed as a more less straight strip. Up to now the 
scanner is controlled separately and this application is used 
for navigation only. In a further step also the sensor can be 
controlled by this software. Important is here the use of a 
digital terrain model, especially if the scan angle is wide. 
With this dada, a real-time control if the done work is 
possible and missing parts can be captured still in the air. 
Figure 4: Helicopter for chalking forestry areas with the 
emitter under it 
In Europe and also world wide, the forest has sickness 
because of air pollution and in the case of S0; pollution, 
problems with acid rain and acidification of forest soils. 
Since several years, the forest-institutions under-take 
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flight altitude has to be defined, as well as the | ss ausis | oes Ward Mix 7777 
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chalking campaigns against the soil acidification. In the 
meantime, the emitting via helicopters is the most used 
variant of this application. Usually it will be done by private 
companies, which get the job after tenders from the countries 
forest administrations. In Germany, every year several 
thousands of hectares are chalked by helicopters, done by 
external companies and managed by the countries forest 
administrations. There exists a big need to document the 
emission of chalk by helicopters and planes. Not only for 
planning and navigation, also for documentation of the done 
work and also to control the firms doing this job. In the frame 
of ISO 9001 and upcoming European rules, a documentation 
of such applications has to be done as well. So far a system, 
based on GIS, GPS, Sensors and avionics, has been 
Heart of the system is the Trimus AeroLogger which was 
developed on base of the Trimus K++ technology. In the case 
of fast movements, a rapid updating of the position is needed. 
We built in a fast GPS-board, which gives an accuracy of 1 m 
with a refresh rate of >=5 Hz. The accuracy is guaranteed by 
a C/A and L1 code smoothed measurement in combination 
with EGNOS-correction. 
The GPS is combined with a processor-unit, which connects 
| other serial port, 8 analogue ports with 12 bit and an event- 
in switch. All data, from the GPS, the serial and analogue 
ports, and the event-in switch are synchronised to the 
frequency and the watch of the GPS. As a redundant, difficult 
to manipulate, data-logging system, the Trimus Aerologger 
has a SM Drive to store either the entire track or controlled 
by the event-in switch (£e. during the application event). This 
data are stored in 1 Hz on the SM-Card and are processed 
separately. The Aerologger sends continuously besides the 
logging a modified MNEA-string to a Cockpit-Computer 
with >=5 Hz, to navigate the pilot to the application places. 
The Computer is able to start, stop or interrupt the emitter, 
map its work and display the result directly on the monitor. 
The signal for emitting will be given by the software, but also 
a manual control is possible. A related signal will be given 
from the emitter to the Aerologger and again back to the 
computer. This event will be monitored. 
The software is based on 2 parts. One tool supports the 
preplanning of the campaign, the other: manages the 
application during the flight. For the planning most important 

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