Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
À further development was the “Scene Graph” (Strauss and 
Carey, 1992; also Rohlf and Helman, 1994) which took this 
hierarchical description of the coordinate systems of each object 
and built a tree structure that could be traversed from the root, 
calculating the updated transformation matrix of each object in 
turn, and sending the transformed coordinates to the graphics 
output system. While other operations may be built into the 
scene graph, its greatest value is in the representation of a 
hierarchy of coordinate systems. These coordinate systems are 
applied to all graphic objects: to geometric objects, such as 
ships, or to cameras and lights, which may therefore be 
associated with any geometric object in the simulated world. 
Such a system allows the population of the simulated world 
with available graphic objects, including geometric objects, 
lights and cameras (or observers). An object (with its own 
particular coordinate system used to define it) is taken from 
storage and then placed within the world using the necessary 
translation and rotation. If it was created at a different scale, or 
in different units, then an initial matrix is given expressing this 
in terms of the target world coordinates. Geometric objects may 
be isolated objects built with a CAD type modelling system or 
they may be terrain meshes or grids — which may require some 
initial transformation to give the desired vertical exaggeration. 
In most cases world viewing is achieved by traversing the 
complete tree, and drawing each object in turn, after 
determining the appropriate camera transformation for each 
window. Usually an initial default camera, and default lighting, 
is applied so that the model may be seen! 
The system described so far creates and views the world from 
different perspectives. It is designed for full 3D surface 
modelling, where the surface is defined by a "triangle soup" or 
the equivalent, composed of unrelated triangles. While it is 
often desirable for other operations to preserve the topological 
connections between the components (vertices, edges, faces) of 
an object, this is not necessary for the basic visualization. For 
terrain modelling and viewing, for example, it is usually 
desirable to preserve the topology in order to permit simulation 
of runoff, etc. as described later. 
In addition, objects may themselves move, and the *Animator" 
component is used to update the appropriate transformation 
matrix prior to redrawing the scene. Because of the scene graph 
structure, this mechanism may be used to animate the change of 
camera view (the observer) which may be associated with some 
position with respect to a moving object (a pilot on board a 
boat, for example). 
In the real world, objects may not occupy the same location at 
the same time. There is no built-in prohibition of this within the 
usual graphics engine. For the Marine GIS we use the kinetic 
Voronoi diagram as a collision detection mechanism in two 
dimensions on the sea surface, so that ships may detect 
potential collisions with the shoreline and with each other. 
Shoreline points are calculated from the intersection of the 
triangulated terrain with the sea surface, which may change at 
any time. The Animator is used to change the transformation 
matrix of each moving object. It may also be used to change its 
properties, such as colour. In the case of lights or cameras the 
view direction may change without changing the location — e.g. 
for a lighthouse. 
The heart of the visualization system “GeoScene” is the 
Graphic Object Tree, or scene graph. This manages the spatial 
(coordinate) relationships between graphic objects. These 
graphic objects may be drawable (such as houses, boats and 
triangulated surfaces) or non-drawable (cameras and lights). 
Redrawing the whole simulated world involves starting at the 
root of the tree, incorporating the transformation matrix, and 
drawing the object at that node (if any). This is repeated down 
the whole tree. Prior to this the camera position and orientation 
must be calculated, again by running down the tree and 
calculating the cumulative transformation matrix until the 
selected camera was reached. This could be repeated for several 
cameras in several windows. This process must be repeated 
after every event that requires a modified view. These events 
could be generated by window resizing or redrawing by the 
system, by user actions with the keyboard or mouse, or by 
automated operations, such as ship movements. 
Our idea of Marine GIS was a system working with several 
two-dimensional Voronoi/Delaunay meshes. One of these 
meshes should represent the bathymetric model — the land and 
the sea-floor, and a second would be a kinetic moving-point 
Voronoi diagram to represent the surface of the sea, with a 
static coastline and boats as moving points. The second mesh 
would be dependent on the first, to calculate and generate 
coastline points, when the water level is given, and to check the 
depth at any location. 
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Figure 1: MGIS Model - Graphic User Interface 
After implementing the graphic engine, we had to design the 
structure for our Marine GIS. It had to work with the previously 
described package and extend it by adding new classes suitable 
for specific Marine GIS purposes. had to implement a 
number of new graphic objects to represent the bathymetric 
model, the sea surface, navigation markers and boats. Through 
tests and experiments involving human perception and natural 
habits of manipulating objects in space, we implemented 
system which allows us to perform all needed operations, and 
which is easy to learn. The system allows us to manipulate the 
entire scene, like a kind of interactive map in our hands, or to 
see the scene from a boat-related perspective, using three 
different points of view: on board, from behind and above, and 
from under the boat. The observer can look around, and observe 
the continuously changing surroundings. The system also 
allows for interactive real-time boat manipulation and 
navigation, regardless of the chosen display mode. 
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