Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1. Wireless GIS Architecture 
Every user request, invokes an instance of database 
corresponding to the desired function on data. Server 
application extracts the geo-data corresponding to the request 
from main database, converts the response to XML format and 
sends it back to the client (Figure 2) (Takino Shuichi, 2001). 
Geometry Attribute 
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Figure 2. GIS Data Model 
Based on assessing different file formats, XML has been found 
as one of the most optimal variants for the GIS applications. It 
is optimal to provide to the user a rich set of functions and to 
use the wireless network minimally. XML posses the following 
. Interpretation in a wide range of mobile devices; 
. Alternative ways for information representation 
(text, voice); 
. Expandability; 
. Structure flexibility. 
XML-technology meets the requirements for the format 
development. The logical structure of the XML-based language 
is easy [for ‘program processing «XML — 10, . W3C 
Recommendation, 1998). Software can interpret the content of 
an XML file in a more appropriate way for each device or easy 
conversion of the contents to any intermediate format. XML is 
already widely used in the Internet. Therefore, a new Mark-up 
Language could be easily integrated in current WW W(World 
Wide web) services (Garmash, Artem, 2001). 
XML is a universal format for describing any data. When XML 
is discussed as a meta-language, it means that in real world, 
computer systems and databases contain data in incompatible 
formats. One of the most time consuming challenges for 
developers has been to exchange data between such systems 
over the Internet. Converting the data to XML can greatly 
reduce this complexity and create data that can be read by 
different types of applications, and this leads to a platform- 
independent structure. 
XML supplies structure to documents. Structure by itself 
imposes constraints. Even though, the structure may seem like a 
limitation that might prevent flexibility, in reality it encourages 
interoperability and lays a common framework for tools and 
other utilities to evolve (Bell J., Loton T., Allamaraju S., Dalton 
S., Brown S., Harbourne-Thomas A., Holm B., Kunnumpurath 
M. M.. Li S. 2002). 
Regarding to wireless environment and device limitations, 
XML provides a suitable data format to respond to the demands 
of the application developed for wireless environment. 
The application developed in this paper, uses a pocket PC as a 
client. device. The pocket PC is equipped with a Java 
application; also it uses GSM (Global System for Mobile 
Communication) wireless modem and SIM (Subscriber Identity 
Module) as wireless modem. 
Residing the application and functions on the client side move 
the burden of the system to the client, and client needs no more 
transaction with the server until invocation of another data or 
service, and this generates the thick client architecture. The 
execution of the application generates an interface for choosing 
the map (Figure 3). 
Figure 3. Execution of Application on Device Generates an 
Interface to Request the Map 
Choosing the map option, sends a URL to the server side, the 
URL consists of the server's IP (Internet Provider), and the 
server-side application address. 
The sent URL invokes the geo-data from the server, retrieves 
the interested geo-data and converts it to an XML document 
(Figure 4), and client-side application invokes the traverse 
function to parse the XML document. 

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