Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Ansicht Bearbeiten Raster Analyse. Externes Gerät Aero 
Spraying erea 
Check cea and protectéd zones 
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Kalkungsversuch FA Kempfeld 
Maßstab 1:12000 Stand 06.03.2002 
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4 Gewaesser. 
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Ens. fag. shop 
71] Versudhsil, ffw.shp 
EN] Sportanlage 
Ext] Wald Forst 
— ] Wohntauflaeche 
HE qase. RE. SF. : 
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Fiatz (Rastplatz Parkplatz) 
Figure 5-7: Up the preplanning tool of the work with zones of 
different protection status, in the middle the track of the 
helicopter and down a application map of the forestry work 
are the areas to be worked on. They are either already given 
by the forest-organisation or they have to be digitised 
onscreen in the software. The areas have to be defined and 
might be also the intensity-level. Very important is the 
definition of protected areas, where not any chalk should go 
in. To support both, sure chalking and sure not any chalk, 
buffers can be defined around this types of areas. That's 
the main feature in this tool. 
More complex is the software for the flight itself. The 
system needs for the computation of the drift, information 
about the wind-speed, the wind-heading, the average drop 
speed of the chalk-corn and either a value of the flight 
altitude over ground or information of a digital terrain- 
model, which also can be used in the software. 
Further on we need an information about the spray-width 
of the emitter. With this information we can start the 
flight and the GPS continuously show the position of the 
helicopter on the moving map and a bar where the chalk 
would fall down. If we reach the area, a signal (optically 
and acoustically) will be given. If we have set the 
automatic mode, the computer gives a signal to the 
parallel port of the computer and a switch there opens the 
emitter. The signal, that the emitter is opened to spray the 
chalk, will be given to the Aerologger as well and the 
information will come back to the software. The software 
computes either by the predefined altitude over ground, or 
by the combination of the GPS-height and the terrain 
model the drop-height of the chalk-corns. The influence 
of the wind and its direction take place and the final place 
where the chalk meets the ground will be mapped. 
Finally, a strip will be mapped on the screen to show, 
what is done. If we reach the buffer of a protected area, 
the emitter suddenly will be switched of and a warning 
appears. The overlap between the flown strips have to be 
controlled manually. 
One result will be the mapped tracks of the Aerologger 
and the software itself. Visible on the sceenshot on the 
left are the tracks, which guide always back to a central 
place, where the chalk is loaded. The emission of 1000 kg 
of chalk needs 20-40 seconds. That's the reason, why the 
track is relatively big and a lot of turns lead back to a 
central place. 
À second result is an application map to see, what has 
been done. This helps for further planning and the control 
of the effect of the work. Such an application map can be 
seen down. 
In a next development will be integrated a digital camera, 
which takes frequently images during the application. The 
camera has to be controlled completely by the software. 
The name of the image in the camera has to be linked to a 
point with coordinates in the database. Only a view digital 
cameras allow access from an outside software. This tool 
is under development. 
This application can be easily adapted to any other field. 
It does not have to be airborne as well, it is an interesting 
technology for agricultural as well. To manage 
fertilisation by machines, pesticide-spays with planes and 
many others could use this technology. The system can be 
enlarged by several sensors for any monitoring and 
implicational job. 
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