Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
landuse diversity, resulted in increasing SD and decreasing DI 
from 1973 to 1986. From 1994 to 2000, the landuse diversity 
increased with the large scale cultivation, resulted in higher SD 
and lower DI from 1994 to 2000. Note that the SD and DI 
showed reverse trend during the period of 1986 to 1994, while 
decreasing SD and increasing DI were observed. This could be 
largely affected by the increasing number of landuse types 
(from four to five due to the addition of cropland). It is, 
therefore, reasonable to conclude that the temporal change of 
SD and DI indicates the trend of landuse diversity and they are 
not sensitive to the spatial resolution of remotely sensed images, 
but could be affected by the changing number of landuse 
Table 7. Metrics of all landuse classes for five-stage data 
Metrics Classes 19073: 1976 — 1986 .— 1994 - 2090 
Cropland - - - 1.515 — 1.799 
Grass/ woodland | 0.189 0.584 2.525 0884 1278 
PPU [Salty grass 0331 1042 22073 0.378 0.884 
Water body 1136 2987 7.623 1.484 0.694 
Bare ground 0.521 1200 1673 0816 0915 
Cropland - - - 1.230 1.255 
Grass/ woodland | 1.307 1.345 1.304 1328 1.358 
RS PAFD |Salty grass 1.216 1224 1301 1237 1.241 
Water body 1.202 4309 1239 1.308, 1.3967 
Bare ground 1.120: 1.249 1255 1.300 1284 
Cropland - - - 1874 2.614 
Grass/ woodland | 6.325 7.741 13.690 13.828 11.096 
MS! |Salty grass 1551. 1.867 2729 2304 4.812 
Water body 21713) 2998 4451 3007 3204 
Bare ground 2088 2786 3706 3018 3274 
Pattern {SD | 0.823 0.889 0.996 0.882 1.084 
mecs ly ^T 0563 0498 0390 0728 0526 
In this study, the PAFD values did not show significant 
variation between landuse classes. In general, the cropland 
showed generally less complex shapes than natural land cover 
types, particularly grass and woodland and water body, but 
difference in PAFD values are quite small (about 0.10 — 0.15). 
This result also shows that the PAFD is not sensitive to the 
spatial resolution of the images. 
By definition the MSI is related to spatial resolution. The higher 
is the spatial resolution, the more details on the object shape are 
revealed. and thus the higher MSI is observed. This study 
confirmed the assumption as the MSI showed generally higher 
values on SPOT, and decreasing values on ETM, TM and MSS, 
closely related to their spatial resolutions. Comparing landuse 
types. croplands obviously showed the least irregularity 
suggesting the fundamental difference between human-induced 
landuse and natural land cover patterns. An exception, however, 
was observed on salty grass that showed less MSI than the 
cropland in 2000. This could be due to that only a small area of 
salty grass had left after the reclamation in late 1990s. 
In this study the result of PPU showed some effects of spatial 
resolution indicated by general higher value on the SPOT image. 
However, this pattern was not well supported by the other 
evidences. The PPU values did not show a recognisable pattern 
in relation to landuse types, nor on spatial resolution. As a ratio 
of patch numbers and area, PPU can largely be affected by a 
number of factors including spatial resolution of the image, 
classification accuracy and post-classification sorting methods, 
thus the real spatial pattern that may be revealed by PPU could 
be well masked. 
According to the above analysis, it is suggested that SD, DI and 
PAFD are not sensitive to the spatial resolutions of multi-sensor 
images, while MSI is closely related to the spatial resolution. 
All these four indices have demonstrated good usability as 
indicators of spatial pattern of landuse/cover types in this study. 
PPU, on the other hand, did not present itself as a reliable and 
meaningful indicator for the spatial pattern analysis in this 
Benson and MacKenzie (1995) and Frohn et al (1998) stated 
that spatial resolution had important effect on most landscape 
metrics. However, Wickham and Riitters (1995) stated that 
landscape metrics should not be dramatically affected by the 
change in pixel size up to 80m. These results appear to be 
inconsistent. However, taking into account the difference of the 
metrics discussed in their works, the results of this study 
confirm the previous work to some extent. For example, the 
metrics discussed by Benson and MacKenzie (1995) were 
percent water, number of lakes, average lake area and perimeter, 
the fractal dimension, and texture, of which some are similar to 
MSI in principle, thus it is understandable that the influence of 
spatial resolution was emphasised. On the other hand, Wickham 
and Riitters (1995) used DI so that it is expected that his finding 
is confirmed by this study. 
The ability to discriminate the landuse/cover types varies 
significantly for multitemporal images because of various 
spatial and spectral resolutions of images acquired by different 
sensors. The area statistics are capable of showing the general 
landuse change trends, but the uncertainty caused by area 
fluctuation due to classification errors may play a significant 
role to create misleading results. In this study, the poorer 
classification results were found in association with lower 
spatial resolution, demonstrated by the higher fluctuation of 
area statistics results. Concentration on the detected change area, 
e.g. the temporal trajectory analysis, therefore, seems to be a 
better and more promising approach. 
In the past 30 years, less than 40% of the study area was 
unchanged, while the stable and unstable change accounted for 
more than 6096. Unchanged trajectories show the original 
condition of land cover: stable change trajectories show most 
human-induced changes; while unstable change trajectories are 
relatively less significant since they tend to show natural (i.e. 
reversible) land cover change and also contain most of 
classification errors. Therefore, for landuse change detection 
study, we recommend that the focus should be on the analysis 
of unchanged and stable change trajectories, especially the 
stable change trajectories. 
For spatial pattern analysis, this study suggests that SD, DI and 
PAFD are not sensitive to the spatial resolutions of multi-sensor 
images, while MSI is closely related to the spatial resolution. 
Al these four indices have demonstrated good usability as 
indicators of spatial pattern of landuse/cover types in this study. 
PPU. on the other hand, did not present itself as a reliable and 

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