Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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Hugo Ledoux and Christopher Gold 
Dept. Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong 
hugo.ledoux@polyu.edu.hk, christophergold@voronoi.com 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Three-dimensional, Modeling, Oceanography, Triangulation, Algorithms, Data Structures, Dynamic 
Managing oceanographic data with traditional geographical information systems (GIS) is a difficult task because these systems have 
been primarily designed for land-based applications. The main problem is that the nature of objects at sea is completely different 
from the nature of objects found on the land: at sea most objects are represented by unconnected points that can have three- 
dimensional coordinates, the datasets have 'abnormal' distribution and the objects tend to change position over time. We propose in 
this paper using a spatial model based on the three-dimensional Voronoi diagram (VD) to handle topological relationships between 
objects. We present the main properties of the 3D VD, algorithms to construct and modify it, and show how some 3D GIS operations 
are greatly simplified when a spatial model is built upon it 
Data collected for marine applications have particular properties 
that are usually not present in data collected on the land. First. 
because almost no man-made objects are found at sea, the 
objects (samples) are mostly represented by unconnected points, 
to which some attributes are attached. Second, the samples are 
usually collected from a boat, which results in datasets having 
highly irregular distribution (samples are distributed according 
to each ships track). Two-dimensional datasets (e.g. 
bathymetric samples having x-y coordinates and depth of water) 
are very difficult to manage with traditional geographical 
information systems (GIS) because their spatial model is built 
for two-dimensional land applications and their data structure is 
based on the ‘overlays’ as a definition of adjacencies between 
objects (Gold and  Condal, 1995). Three-dimensional 
oceanographic datasets are usually composed of CTD data: 
attributes (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) of the water are 
measured with a sensor that is moved through the water column. 
A three-dimensional (volumetric) representation of the water is 
built with many water columns collected along different ship 
tracks. Samplings obtained in such a way are sparse in the 
horizontal direction but abundant in the vertical direction. The 
integration of such datasets into traditional GIS is problematic 
because these systems usually deal only with surfaces and two- 
dimensional objects, and, as a result, datasets must often be 
‘reduced’ by one dimension (for example by 'slicing' it) to be 
integrated and analysed. Some solutions exist — using 3D raster 
data structures as in the work of Jones (1989), Raper (1989) and 
O'Conaill et al. (1992) — but, as shown in Section 4 , they have 
shortcomings for oceanographic data. A further important 
consideration is that the marine environment is dynamic, which 
means that objects are likely to move over time. 
The many problems arising when using a traditional GIS for 
handling marine data have been described by many researchers 
(Davis, 1988; Li, 1993; Lockwood, 1995). Using a spatial 
model based on the two-dimensional Voronoi diagram (VD), as 
Gold and Condal (1995) propose, solves most of the problems 
mentioned earlier. As explained in Section 2, the VD will adapt 
naturally to the distribution of the data and its 'tiling' properties 
can be used to manage the topological relationships between 
unconnected objects. Moreover, unlike the structure of 
traditional GIS, the topology can be updated locally. Wright and 
Goodchild (1997), in a review, atfirmed that this method was 
the only published attempt at that time to solve many important 
problems related to the nature of marine data. The only problem 
not tackled by Gold and Condal is 3D volume-based 
In this paper, we extend the work of Gold and Condal (1995) 
and propose using the Voronoi diagram in three dimensions to 
handle the topological relationships in oceanographic datasets. 
As shown in Section 2, the concepts and properties of the VD 
can all be generalized to three dimensions, and, as a result, we 
have a spatial model capable of solving most of the problems 
we have when dealing with oceanographic data. Although the 
concepts easily generalize, their implementations are not 
straightforward. For this reason, we discuss in Section 3 the 
main construction and modification algorithms, and also 
different data structures for storing the VD and its geometric 
dual, the Delaunay tetrahedralization (DT). As described in 
Section 4, such a spatial model has numerous advantages over 
other knows methods. One of them is that many three- 
dimensional spatial analysis operations are greatly simplified 
and optimised, and we show in Section 5 how some of these 
operations, when applied to an oceanographic dataset, can help 
us to have a better understanding of it. 
The Voronoi diagram for a set of points in a given space Riis 
the partitioning of that space into regions such that all locations 
within any one region are closer to the generating point than to 
any other. In two dimensions, each cell around a data point is a 
convex polygon, having a defined number of neighbours; for 
example in Figure 1 the point p has 7 neighbouring Voronoi 
cells. In three dimensions, a Voronoi cell generalizes to a 
convex polyhedron formed by convex faces, as shown in Figure 
2. In any dimensions, the VD has a geometric dual structure 
called the Delaunay triangulation. In 2D. this structure is 
defined by the partitioning of the plane into triangles — where 
the vertices of the triangles are the points generating each 
Voronoi cell — that satisfy the empry circumcircle test (a circle 
is empty when no points is in its interior, but more than three 

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