ul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
tonality As it is described in class diagram we should use two packages
| for supporting mobility and GIS applications .we used voyager
es now | as a package for supporting distributed object technology and
itaLoad | openmap for supporting GIS functionality.
nd Run |
| map jpx
c dh map
| mad closeFile.gif
placing |
various |
a have
€ have |
elation | T
classes |
MAP. html
| a. MapDisp java
^id apenFile.dif
| £89 Run java
“2 TelAgentiava
| Figure 8: Java base Map packages
| After invoking the client, as it is described in sequential
diagram TelAgent will run on client machine as GIS software
| We have described the requirement of Distributed GIS
application in a network environment and presented a solution
| based upon an agent metaphor. We have characterized the
CAS | agents and introduced mobile agent in distributed environment.
agent Future description of this system can be seen in two points of
| view. Firstly as telecommunication view which system can be
develop for wireless application of GIS like location-based
| services. In another view we add intelligent characteristics of
agent to mobile agent system for decreasing client work within
| distributed GIServices.
Buehler, Kurt and McKee, Lance, 1998, The OpenGIS Guide,
Introduction to Interoperable Geoprocessing and the OpenGIS
| Specification, third edition, Open GIS Consortium Technical
McCarty B.(1999) Java distributed objects .Techmedia
| publication. India
Tsou, M. and Buttenfield. B.P. (2003) An Agent-based,
Dynamic Architechture Distributed Geographic Information
| S. M. Kalantari, (2004), developing a Distributed
Geoprocessing Service model, M.Sc. Thesis, K.N.Toosi
rent. | University of Technology, Iran.
02. |