Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
system functions and more application: fields than the former. 
Morcover, it can work on a wide range of mobile devices with a 
WAP microbrowser only, from Personal Digital Assistants 
(PDAs), mobile phones, and in-car computers to other small 
mobile devices, and keeps the standard browsing style. WAP- 
based Mobile GIS can be described as mobile users (with a 
WAP mobile terminal only) can perform the almost’ same 
functionality as of Internet GIS but in a mobile environment at 
any time, any place and without the limitation of operating 
system and wired link. Altogether, it is because of the 
advantages of WAP that we believe WAP-based Mobile GIS 
will play a leading role in our mobile information services 
The framework and soul of a distributed system is the system 
architecture deciding the distribution of system functions and 
data. WAP-based Mobile GIS, as a new development to Internet 
GIS, is still in a preliminary stage, whose research issues need 
be deal with. However, the architecture solution to WAP-based 
Mobile “GIS is the key and core of its whole researches. 
Although Li Deren, et al (2002) and Li Luqun, et al (2002) üsed 
to present an architecture for Mobile GIS respectively, the 
architectures were conceptual ones and had difficulty playing a 
substantially directive role to building a Mobile GIS system, let 
alone WAP-based Mobile GIS. 
WAP-based Mobile GIS is a “thin client” distributed system via 
mobile Internet. It must be an open.’ extendable, stable and 
cross-platform distributed system, because of the increasing 
application demands and the diversity of mobile terminals. 
Currently, popular system architecture solutions for distributed 
systems are all based on distributed object technologies. There 
are three mainstream industry standards: Microsoft's Windows 
Distributed Network Architecture (Windows DNA)/ NET 
Architecture, Object Management Group's Common Object 
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), Sun's Java 2 Enterprise 
Edition (J2EE) Architecture. A system based on Windows 
DNA/NET Architecture solution can only use Microsoft's 
platforms from development, deployment to running, including 
developing platforms and operating system. It can not cross 
operating system platform especially, which is the fatal 
weakness ‘of Windows DNA/NET Architecture. CORBA is too 
huge and complicated. And its technologies and standards are 
updated relatively slowly. J2EE is a specification and standard 
created by Sun and her industry partners, and it evolves quickly. 
J2EE provides support for thé technologies such as Enterprise 
JavaBeans (EJB), Java Servlets API and Java Server Pagers 
(JSP), and so on. J2EE solution reduces the cost and complexity 
of developing a multi-tier distributed system which can be 
rapidly developed and deployed, and can enhance the 
portability, security, load balancing and extensibility of "a 
distributed system. There are the following advantages to build 
distributed GIS based on J2EE (Mao Haifeng, 2004): (1) cross- 
platform; (2) multi-tier séparating to complicated tasks: (3) 
component reusing and (4) module developing. Thus, J2EE 
solution can satisfy the system requirements of WAP-based 
Mobile GIS. Based on J2EE, this paper proposes a distributed 
architecturé for WAP-based Mobile GIS. 
As showed on Figure 1, the J2EE-based distributed architecture 
is composed of four logic tiers from the client side to the server 
side: presentation tier,. WAP service’ tier, application tier and 
data service tier. At the fat server side, Geospatial information 
Web. caching mechanism is used to optimize the performance 
capability and reducing the access delay of the client. Functions 
and components of each logic tier and the statement about the 
distribution of presentation logic, business logic and geospatial 
data in the architecture are detailedly stated as follow. 
| VIL Encoder | | MIScri pt. Decoder | 
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JSP | Serviet |! B 
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Véb Cont ai ner 
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Application Server ~~ 
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[05 sou Bears | GS Entity Bons |. 
{ EJB Gont ai ner 
Database Server 
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Figure 1: A distributed architecture of WAP-based Mobile GIS 
4.1. Presentation Tier 
Presentation tier is a carrier of the client of WAP-based Mobile 
GIS, and is mainly. responsible for, implementing the 
presentation logic of GIS data. Generally, the client without 
local-storage data is a WAP microbrowser that controls the GUI 
and is. analogous, to. a, standard. Web browser. The WAP 
microbrowser needn’t perform any GIS business logic, don’t 
directly connect to a back-end database server, and don’t store 
itself state information, so it is a really “Thin Client”. The client 
also may be a J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) application. 
42. WAP Service Tier 
WAP service tier includes a WAP Proxy (often referred to as à 
WAP Gateway),and a Web Server. The WAP Gateway was 
required to handle the protocol interworking between the client 

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