Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin g and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
we can construct the entire solar-terrestrial "Digital Space". 
With the improvement of science technology, observation 
means, kinds of models should become more and more fine, 
accurate. And these advanced data models offer more reliable 
data for SIS application. 
3.2.2 GIS Offers Many Methods to Resolve Problem 
Almost all of environment problems relate to space 
dimension.(Li.2002) The basic unit composed environment 
simulation and other factor correlative with the environment 
simulation all have specialty of spatial distributing, and these 
spatial distributing effectively influence the environment 
elements interactive process and spatial process dynamic 
evolvement. And processing to spatial distributing, spatial 
relation and spatial process is GIS advantage. The relation 
between the environment simulation and GIS is obviously. 
Integrating GIS and the environment simulation in the way of 
technology, research contents and methods have extensive 
application foreground. 
At present, some large GIS software Corp. develop many 
module of GIS, such as MapX, MapObject and MapXtreme. 
(ESRI, 1996) These COM built on the base of OLE, can be 
used for any programme language that bear COM technology. 
Thus they give all programmers convenience. So applying GIS 
into SIS research has feasible technology base and can be 
acquired by GIS software level. 
3.2.3 The Application of SciV and Graphics technology 
Three-dimension visual simulation is a new type of simulation 
technology formatted by combining the computer visualization 
and systemic modelling technology. Essentially, it uses the 
mode of graphics or image to track, calculate and final- process 
for the simulation calculation processing. At the same time, 
modelling and simulation to objects by this way have the 
following benefits, for example, rapidness, high efficiency, 
intuitionist and visualization. 
Because the data calculated from the solar-terrestrial space 
environment elements is huge, these surveyed data can be 
calculated to form 2D, 3D or more dimension data sets. This 
data sets includes huge complex information that cannot easily 
understand and analysis. The visual technology of the data sets 
can translate the no-visual information into visualization by the 
way of graphics and image, so it opens out the inner meaning 
that contained in the data sets. 
For visual processing of the data sets, it not mainly refer the 
precision image that be fit with the data accuracy, but construct 
and render the graphics and image that can easily understand its 
regulation or more information. We can observe and analyze 
the inner character from the graphics and image. In conclusion, 
the essential of visualization is a kind of information simulation. 
4.1 The Research Object of SIS 
Based on the graphic environment character, the geographic 
data mainly is three or more dimension, its database should be 
the three dimensional database corresponding (GONG,2001) 
The geographic data have many kinds; the natural data includes 
terrain, physiognomy, geology, ocean and lower atmosphere 
and so on. The anthropogeography includes building, road, 
establishment and population. These data have its own character. 
For instance, the geology data mainly shows the static three- 
dimension space, but the ocean data shows the dynamic four- 
dimension space. 
In the research of SIS, it makes the space environment as the 
application background as similar as the ground environment in 
GIS. And the Aerospace vehicle, the main object running in the 
space environment, is corresponding with the human activity, 
the main body in the geographic activity. The aerospace vehicle 
runs in the complex space environment. they changes data and 
transmits information with the ground control centres through 
the space environment. The space environment model's 
goodness directly relates the working performance and life of 
the aerospace vehicle. 
But the research object of SIS is the dynamic four-dimension 
time-space data that includes all kinds of aero crafts, space 
environment and stars, and it is different from the two- 
dimension or three-dimension entity. 
4.2 The Approach to Express SIS by GIS 
4.2.1 Build “Digital Space” by the way of Digital Earth 
The Vice President envisions the Digital Earth as a multi- 
resolution, three-dimensional representation of the planet into 
which vast quantities of data can be embedded.(A. GORE) A 
key goal is to move beyond the current desktop metaphor for 
user interfaces into a more natural, immersive environment that 
will facilitate navigation and interaction. 
The vision looks something like this: Go into virtual orbit 
around Earth. Zoom in on any part of the planet and grab a 
detailed view of a road system, vegetation and weather, even an 
image of a single house or garden. Flick a virtual wrist, and you 
can even know the political layout of the community, all in 3-D. 
"Digital Space", namely, creating “The space object and 
environment more dimension system" and real reproduction of 
the space environment and the space objects is similar to 
"Digital Earth" in many design idea and technology. But it has 
some difference with “Digital Earth” from the research object, 
the time-space specialty, the data management model, 
framework models, showing and output. 
Referring the theory and technology of "Digital Earth" and 
considering enough the time-space specialty and data more- 
dimension of "Digital Space", we can integrate the entire space 
information to create "Digital Space". In this framework, we 
study the concept, contents and key technology of “Digital 
Space" and the relative theory system. 
4.3.2 Organise Spatial Environment Data by GIS Data 
The geographic space objects have four kinds of 
characteristic;( WANG, 2001) the space situation, property, 
spatial relation and time specialty. As to SIS, its objects have 
the similar characteristic. 
According to the geometry position and space dimension 
specialty, the geographic space objects can be classified to five 
kinds, namely, point, line, area. surface and volume. In the SIS, 
all kinds of the space environment information are mainly line, 
surface and volume. Especially, the volume data model is the 
main data model in the solar-terrestrial space environment. 
The space object's property is the geographic meaning data or 
variable related with the space objects. And it used to express 
the objects’ inner character and the semantic definition of the 
space objects. In the solar-terrestrial space environment, there 
are many properties for only one space environment element. 
For example, the variables about the upper atmosphere that has 
definite spatial position have some properties, such as the 
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