Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
atmospheric temperature, the 
atmospheric pressure and so forth. 
The time specialty manifests tne space object's variable with 
time change. For SIS, All kinds of the space environment 
elements change with time, including instant variable and long 
period variable. And besides, the space environment elements’ 
models must input the time dimension to be calculated. 
The spatial relation includes topological relation, order spatial 
relation, metric spatial relation and so on. For SIS, the solar- 
terrestrial space was been considered as a whole body. All 
kinds of space environment elements have one other relation; 
especially they have strong relation with sun. And the space 
environment elements’ distributing is also order. 
The common sort method to the spatial object in GIS is layer 
and level. For instance, the physiognomy can be sorted to river, 
road, building, pipeline, etc. And river can be classified 
different level. For SIS, the space environment can be sorted by 
altitude to atmosphere, ionosphere, geomagnetic field, radiation 
belt, etc. And every level has many sub-style sorted by variable. 
atmospheric density, the 
42.3 Showing Dynamic Transformation Applying time- 
space Data Model 
Already there are many design methods about the time-space 
data model. For instance, time as an additional property data, 
time as n new dimension, object-oriented methods and so on. At 
present, the main data models include Time-slice snapshots, 
Base Map with overlay, Space-time composite, etc. According 
the space environment elements” distributing and time specialty, 
we can adopt one model or methods, also can advance the new 
model based on them. 
4.2.4 Visually Express the Three-dimension Space 
Applying the old terrain three-dimension visualization 
technology, we can arrange space position by some space 
environment element’ property to form the data set similar with 
DEM (Digital Elevation Model), and render the three- 
dimension scene by OpenGL. At the same time, we add time as 
its other dimension. Thus, these models in simulation mostly 
represent the dynamic sconces and computer motion. 
For getting the whole visualization effect, we can directly form 
more dimension data sets based on the physical and mathematic 
models. In these setss, the space dimension was been divided to 
cube body with the same border, and the property of every 
point is the space environment element’ every parameters, such 
as the atmospheric density, the atmospheric temperature, the 
electron. density and ion density. For achieving the more 
dimension data sets' visualization, we should redescribe and 
plot by the data structure for the data sets, and set up 
corresponding geometry model, then form the three-dimension 
visualization image for any space environment element 
property, through serials of the three-dimension visual 
processing including projection transform, window reduce, light 
model, colour adjustment and showing. Because there are many 
properties in every space environment element, we only adopt 
layer showing, transparency, translucency folding and 
alternation switch, etc. showing methods to get every space 
environment elements' visualization effect. 
There is a test image to show three-dimension visualization 
about the space, figure 1. 
4.2.5 Space Analysis and Assistant Decision-making 
Figurel three-dimension visualization about the space 
In GIS, spatial analysis is the space data analysis technology 
based on the position and configuration property of the 
geographic objects, in order to find and transmit the spatial 
information. According to the application order, there are many 
analysis methods, such as network analysis, overlay analysis, 
buffer analysis and the most short path analysis. In SIS, we can 
analyze the aerospace vehicle circuit by referring the spatial 
analysis models in GIS. For example, through calculating the 
space environment elements’ property at some time and 
position, based on the correlative buffer analysis model, we can 
get the setss that affect on the aerospace vehicle, and control it 
not into the dangerous region. In conclusion, Combining the 
practice mission and GIS application analysis, we can advance 
the aerospace vehicle circulating safety. 
In this paper, based on the research of GIS technology and the 
solar-terrestrial space environment, we extend the research field 
and object in GIS to the entire solar-terrestrial space and 
advance the concept of SIS-The Sun-Earth Space Information 
System. Later, It demonstrates that application of GIS to the 
space environment is feasible, and gives the concrete methods 
to resole the space environment problem by GIS. It not only 
extends the application of GIS, but also brings new method and 
way to study the space environment. But it only the simple 
research that apply GIS to study the Sun-Earth Space 
Information System, and there are many problems waiting for 
us to resolve. 
References from Journals: 
GONG Jian-hua, LIN Hui, 2001, Study on Distributed Virtual 
Geo-Environments, Journal of Image and Graphics, 
Vol.6(A),No.9, pp.879-885 
Li Shuo, ZENG Zhi-yuan, 2002 A Preliminary Study on 
Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Journal of 
Glaciology and Geocryology, 24(2), pp.134-141 
ZHANG Rui-xin, WU Li-xin, 2002, 3D Geoscience Modeling 
and Virtual Mine System, ACTA Geoduetica et 
CARTOGRAPHICA SINICA, 31(1), pp.28-33 
References from Books: 
Environment System Research Institute, Inc. Map Objects: GIS 
and Mapping Components, ESRI Press, 1996 

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