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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
settlement training
settlement [PF pixels areas
object above for
pixel terrain houses
normalized vegetation
DHM index
Figure 4. Calculation of the training areas for houses
Figure 5. Training areas for the landuse class houses
3.4 Object-based-Classification
The basic idea of object-based classification is to classify not
single pixels but groups of pixels that represent already existing
objects in a GIS database. Each object is described by an n-
dimensional feature vector and classified to the most likely class
based on a supervised maximum likelihood classification. The
n-dimensional feature vector describes the spectral and textural
appearance of the objects. Again, the trainings areas are derived
automatically from an existing database.
3.4.1 Object characteristics: In order to distinguish
between residential and industrial settlement objects we have
first to describe the typical appearance of these two object
classes. The following five characteristics can be used in order
to decide if a settlement object represents a residential or an
industrial area (these characteristics are especially valid in
Germany — in other countries they may differ):
e average size of the houses: in industrial areas the houses
are typically very large whereas in residential areas
houses are typically smaller
e average roof slope of houses: in industrial areas are
typically houses with flat roofs whereas in residential
areas are typically houses with sloped roofs
e percentage of trees: trees can be found very often in
residential areas but only rarely in industrial areas
e percentage of sealed ground: the percentage of scaled
ground is typically higher in industrial areas as in
residential areas
e textural appearance: the textural
industrial areas is more homogenous as in residential
Not all characteristics must be valid for an object. Very often
only three or four characteristics apply for a specific object but
appearance of
this is not a problem because the object-based classification
classifies the object into the most likely class. This is a very
robust approach that can handle also fuzzy descriptions of
objects. Figure 6 shows two typical examples of residential and
industrial areas.
a) rgb
Figure 6. Comparison of residential (a) & (b) and
industrial areas (c) & (d)
3.4.0 Calculation of the object characteristics: In order to
represent the object characteristics as a feature vector we have
to transform them into numeric values. Figure 7 shows the
calculation of the different object characteristic on an example.
Figure 7 a shows the calculation of the average house size per
object. All pixels, which were classified as houses, are selected
from the pixel-based classification result. Than, for each object,
the average house size is calculated. It can be seen in the
example that industrial settlement objects are having typically a
larger average house size per object that is represented with
brighter grey values and residential settlement objects are
having typically a smaller average house size that is represented
by darker grey values.
The calculation of the average roof slope per object is shown in
Figure 7 b. All house pixels are selected from the pixel-based
classification result and intersected with the normalized DHM.
With that input data, the average roof slope per object can be
calculated. High average roof slopes stand for areas with sloped
roofs and are represented with bright grey values and low
average roof slopes stand for areas with flat roofs and are
represented with dark grey values.
Figure 7 c shows the calculation of the percentage of trees per
object. All tree pixels are selected from the pixel-based
classification result and for cach object the percentage of trees
is calculated. Trees can be found only seldom in industrial
settlement objects. Therefore it can be seen in the example that
industrial. settlement objects are represented with dark grey
values which stand for a low percentage of trees and residential
settlement objects with bright grey values which stand for a
high percentage of trees.