Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The paper is organized into seven parts. F irstly, a framework 
for an operational road database updating system is presented in 
Section 2. Road map updating modes are briefly discussed in 
Section 3 followed by a detailed description about road change 
detection and updating based on map conflation in Section 4. 
Section 5 addresses some key issues in modelling road network 
changes. Some preliminary results along this line will be 
illustrated in Section 6. Finally, some conclusions will be given 
in Section 7. 
Intuitively, an operational road map updating system should 
include the following three main functions: 
1) Generating a new version of road features or the whole 
road network either by ground surveying or by road 
extraction from imagery; 
2) Detecting road changes, i.e. identifying the roads that 
remain unchanged, have disappeared, or emerged recently; 
3) Updating the road database. This includes updating the 
geometric data of the roads; transferring attributes from 
the old version to the new version database; and 
organizing both versions of the road databases in a spatio- 
temporal model. 
A lot of work had been done in each of these three areas 
separately, but very few researchers have treated the three parts 
in a united way. 
In this paper a wavelet-based road junction and centerline 
extraction processing is initially performed. Map conflation 
techniques are then applied for road change detection and 
updating. Finally, the change information of the road network is 
organized in an efficient way to facilitate spatio-temporal 
queries and spatio-temporal analysis. The proposed framework 
for an operational road database updating system is illustrated 
in Figure 1. 
The wavelet-based road junction and centerline extraction has 
been detailed in the paper [Zhang & Couloigner, 2004] and will 
not be repeated here. 
Both road change detection/updating and spatio-temporal GIS 
have been under research for more than ten years now. There 
are a lot of new ideas and new approaches promoted in both 
areas. However, most of the research is carried out separately 
and very few people are working on both problems 
simultaneously. The author would argue that a spatio-temporal 
perspective will be very helpful to develop an operational 
system for road change detection and map updating. On the 
other hand, a change detection and updating perspective will 
also shed some light on the research of temporal GIS. 
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A Databases 
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Figure 1 The proposed framework for an operational road 
database updating system 
Road maps could be updated by ground surveying, either by 
using a traditional method (total station, GPS) or by using a 
more automatic method (e.g, mobile mapping system). 
Usually, a survey team will be informed that some roads have 
been changed, go to the site and record the new positions of the 
roads. From a spatio-temporal point of view, this method is 
most suitable because only the changed roads should be taken 
into account and the time stamps could be easily put either at 
the tuple level or at the attribute level. In addition, the change is 
closely linked to the events which had caused the road to 
change. The minus of this method is that it needs many 
surveyors to focus on this task in order to record the change 
timely. Therefore, it is a costly and labour intensive way to 
update a road network database. 
The second method is to use a more recent map to update the 
old road map. By feature matching, the unchanged and changed 
roads can be determined during the mapping time interval. This 
is an ad-hoc technology to maintain a road network database. 
The revision time may be one year or more than five years 
depending on the application purpose and other situations. It is 
obvious that this method is close to a snapshot approach to 
model the changes. Change has a very coarse temporal 
resolution. It may also be very difficult to determine when the 
road changes occurred because we have little information about 
the events which caused these changes. The transaction 
time/database time can be indicated at a table or tuple level 
because all the changes have the same transaction time. The 
valid time is difficult to determine unless all the changes have 
been recorded immediately after their occurrence. 
The third method is to extract the road network and detect the 
changes based on new remotely-sensed imagery. This 
technology has been widely researched for many years. 
Although there are few successful fully automated techniques, 
there are many partially automated feature extraction 
techniques available to detect road network changes. The 
limitation is identical than for the second way: same transaction 
time for all the road changes and difficulties in identifying the 
valid time of the changes. 
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