Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The methodology for road change detection and map updating 
based on map conflation technology is discussed in the next 
Map conflation techniques are used in the change detection and 
updating stage in this research due to the following reasons. 
1) Feature matching is a well-known map conflation 
technology to determine the conjugate features between 
two different versions of geographic databases. Both node 
feature matching and linear feature matching technologies 
could be used in road change detection processing; 
2) Through feature matching we can not only identify the 
conjugate features so that the relative accuracy of the two 
versions of databases can be determined, but we can also 
determine which parts of the road network have changed 
and which parts remain unchanged. In addition, conflation 
operations can be performed to transfer attributes to the 
new database based on conjugate features; 
3) Map conflation is also useful in the case where the 
improvement of the positional accuracy of the original 
version of the road database is necessary or desired. Both 
node-based conflation (e.g. TIN approach in [Saalfeld, 
1993]) and polyline-based conflation (e.g. polyline 
mapping method in [Filin and Doysther, 1999; 2000]) 
could serve to correct the old version of the road database; 
4) Map conflation is originally an editing operation in GIS to 
reconcile the position of related features. So the results 
from map conflation will have a good consistency between 
the changed and the unchanged road features. 
After a successful extraction of road features from the imagery, 
feature matching is performed to identify the conjugate road 
nodes and road centerlines from the two versions of the road 
datasets. A conflation procedure then follows to obtain a new, 
more accurate road database. The main steps are detailed in the 
following subsections. 
4.1 Node matching 
Node matching, i.e., identifying the conjugate road nodes in the 
two versions of the road database, is usually the first step in 
map conflation. 
Both distance and topological similarity measures should be 
used to find possible conjugate nodes. The calculation of 
distance similarity is usually based on the positional 
discrepancy between two points. The topological similarity is 
based on the "Spider code" of a road node which was originally 
presented by Saalfeld (1988, 1993). It is a measure of the 
structure information of a node based on the number of linked 
arcs and corresponding directions. 
4.2 Point-based conflation 
In this step, a point-based conflation is performed on the 
original road database in order to reduce the positional 
discrepancy between the two versions of the road database. The 
typical point-based conflation procedure is based on a 
piecewise local transformation determined by two TINs 
constructed from the conjugate nodes (see Cobb et al [1998] for 
a detailed description). 
4.3 Polyline matching 
Polyline matching is mainly used to identify the conjugate road 
lines, but at the same time, it could also be used to detect road 
Although both distance and shape similarity measures could be 
used for polyline matching, none of these measures is well 
defined for polylines. 
There are some definitions for distance between two polylines, 
such as Hausdorff distance [Hangouet, 1995], L, distance 
[Saafeld, 1993], etc. Walter and Fritsh (1999) used buffering to 
assess the distance similarity between two lines in road feature 
matching. However, all these distance measures failed to give a 
meaningful similarity index for partially-matched line pairs. A 
modified intermediate area approach is used in this research 
which could solve the multiple matching issues. An appropriate 
shape similarity measure for road polylines may also be helpful 
in feature matching, however, it is still under development. 
Based on the results from polyline matching, a road will be 
categorized into one of the following cases: 
1) Unchanged, if the road arcs are successful in finding 
conjugate features; 
2) Disappeared, if the road arcs in the original version of 
database failed to find conjugate features; 
3) Created, if the road arcs in the new version of database 
failed to tind conjugate features; 
4) Changed, if the road arcs are successful in finding 
conjugate features but the positional discrepancy is 
5) Partially changed, it the road arcs are partially successful 
in finding conjugate features. 
All this information will be helpful in updating the road 
database and will be used in the next processing step. 
4.4 Polyline-based conflation 
Polyline-based geometric conflation could be used to improve 
the accuracy of the original GIS data. This step is optional if the 
correction of the positional data of road polylines is not desired. 
Filin and Doysther (1999; 2000) introduced the polyline 
mapping method to correct the old version of the road database 
based on matched polylines. 
4.5 Attribute transferring 
Transferring the attribute data from the old version database 
into the new one is an important function for a map updating 
system. This step is simple for unchanged road features because 
these features will have 1:1 matching in the polyline matching 
step. However, problems may occur for those that have been 
recognized as partially changed. This usually should be done 
with the aid of user interaction. An appropriate "transferring" 

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