Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
inner vertex, that should be geometric change alone, will 
be treated as a creation of a new inner vertex; 
J The time stamp will be tagged at the feature level so that 
all the possible types of spatio-temporal changes to a road 
network can be tracked; 
3) Although the current prototype model is generally a state- 
based approach, event information can be stored. It is from 
the event information that most of the change information 
of a road network, such as the change rate, change type or 
the most frequent change type, can be derived. This will 
satisfy many change-based enquiries; 
4) The basic topological relationship is preserved in the 
model. This will maintain consistency in geometry while 
requiring a minimized storage volume; 
5) Both spatial and temporal indexing approaches can be 
easily employed in this model. 
The whole project is still on-going. However, we have 
established a prototype system for image-based road change 
detection and map updating based on the proposed framework. 
The prototype system is built on Visual C ++ and ESRI 
MapObjects. The latter is mainly used for image and map 
viewing purpose. Figure 2 illustrates the main interface of the 
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Figure 2, Prototype system for image-based road updating 
The system consists of five parts, 1) map view; 2) image 
processing; 3) feature extraction; 4) change detection and 
updating; 5) spatio-temporal queries. A special data structure is 
used for road network spatio-temporal modeling, in which both 
the historic and the current information of the road network are 
Road change detection and database updating based on 
remotely-sensed imagery has been the objectives of many 
projects in the geomatics field. Due to its complexity, it is still a 
challenging topic. Three main functions, namely road 
extraction, change detection, and change representation, have to 
be included in an operational road database updating system. In 
this paper, a methodology for road change detection and 
updating based on map conflation technology has been 
proposed. A spatio-temporal model for road change 
representation has been also discussed. 
Future work includes the full-implementation of an image- 
based road map updating system and the application of the 
system to production environments. 
Financial support from the Canadian NCE GEOIDE research 
program “Automating photogrammetric processing and data 
fusion of very high resolution satellite imagery with LIDAR, 
iFSAR and maps for fast, low-cost and precise 3D urban 
mapping” is much acknowledged. 
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