Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
2000). In this sense consistency is part of logical consistency as 
defined above. Some aspects of completeness cover logical 
consistency, too, e.g. attribute completeness which concerns the 
question whether all required attributes are stored together with 
an object Most aspects of completeness, correctness, and 
accuracy must be checked in comparison to reality. It has to be 
verified, whether e.g. all objects are registered in the data set 
and whether their attributes are set correctly. Accuracy concerns 
positional accuracy and temporal accuracy, i.e. currency. 
1.2 Quality Management at BKG 
A major task of BKG consists in providing the geodata of the 
Authoritative Topographic-Cartographic Information System 
ATKIS on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. 
ATKIS' is a trademark of the Working Committee of the 
Surveying Authorities of the States of the Federal Republic of 
Germany (AdV). The most important components of ATKIS are 
object-based digital landscape models (DLM) encompassing 
several resolutions and digital topographic maps (DTK). The 
ATKIS DLMBasis, ie. the ATKIS data offering highest 
resolution, is produced by the 16 surveying authorities of the 
federal states of Germany and is delivered to the BKG. Here, at 
the Geodata Centre (GDC) of BKG, the ATKIS DLMBasis is 
checked with respect to logical consistency, joined to one 
homogeneous data set for the territory of the Federal Republic 
of Germany, and stored in a database. Since these data are 
delivered to customers on the one hand and are used to derive 
data of smaller scales within BKG on the other hand, a system 
for quality control of the ATKIS data is essential. For testing 
logical consistency of the data sets an exhaustive check on the 
full coverage of the data is performed at the GDC. This check 
includes establishing logical and geometrical consistency of the 
different data sets from the surveying authorities at their 
borders. Thus, the check of logical consistency is done in an 
operational way within the daily production process. Errors 
detected during the quality control are reported to the respective 
federal state. Since the federal states are producers of the data of 
the ATKIS DLMBasis, they are responsible for the appropriate 
amendment of the data. 
Since nearly all of the changes in the real world are man-made, 
information concerning the changes is available very early, 
usually already during the phase of planning. Therefore, the 
surveying authorities of Germany are forcing topographical 
information management to gather information about changes 
and make it available in time for the update of geoinformation. 
In addition to this well established, broad inspection of logical 
consistency of the ATKIS dataset, BKG pushes the increase of 
quality control with respect to reality. Therefore, BKG has 
initiated a common project with the University of Hannover to 
develop a system for automated quality control comparing 
orthoimages and the ATKIS DLMBasis (Busch and Willrich, 
2002). Since in practice the comparison to the real world still is 
far away from being fully automatic, it is implemented as an 
interactive procedure based on ArcGIS on the one hand and on 
automated image analysis methods on the other hand. The 
knowledge-based image interpretation system GeoAIDA 
(Buckner et al. 2002) and various methods for feature extraction 
form the core of the automated procedures. These programs run 
separately in batch mode furnishing results that are imported to 
the interactive working environment. While the final decision 
about errors is reserved to a human operator, the strategy is to 
detect as many coincidences of ATKIS objects and objects 
detected in the orthoimages as possible. By filtering these 
correct situations the human operator can concentrate on the 
objects where the automated procedure failed. The comparison 
utilises orthoimages of recent date which are an up-to-date 
reference of reality and can be used to assess completeness, 
correctness, positional and temporal accuracy. Our main interest 
concerns objects where most changes arise and that are 
important, namely the road network and built-up areas. Other 
objects and their attributes can be verified, too, if they are 
visible within the images. 
The paper focuses on a method for quality control of the ATKIS 
DLMBasis that automatically compares the data with reality by 
means of images from an independent source. Thus, we look at 
quality control as an independent procedure to rate the quality 
of geodata by sample and to detect deficiencies within the chain 
of production. Depending on the type of image, e.g. airborne or 
satellite imagery, different features and attributes can be 
verified. Orthoimages of recent date are an up-to-date reference 
of reality and can be used to assess temporal accuracy, too. 
Orthoimages are a very suitable source to determine the 
positional accuracy of features and geometric attributes like the 
width of a road. Nevertheless, there exist features and attributes 
that are not detectable in the image data. In these cases quality 
control has to be based on the topographic information 
1.3 Automated Verification and 
Databases by Means of Imagery 
Update of Spatial 
Automatic and semi-automatic feature extraction has been a 
focus of international research in photogrammetry and computer 
vision for a few decades (e.g. Baltsavias et al. 2001, Heipke et 
al. 2004). As a consequence the results are now starting to enter 
into the commercial market. Obviously algorithms particularly 
give good results if applied to well-defined application areas. 
The reason is that all approaches need additional knowledge in 
the form of appropriate models, which can more easily be 
formulated for restricted situations. Since any automatic feature 
extraction algorithm will show a certain error rate, it has to be 
integrated to an interactive workflow leaving final decisions to a 
human operator. For achieving an efficient workflow, the 
algorithms have to be equipped with an appropriate and reliable 
self-diagnostics allowing the operator to concentrate on 
situations where the automatic procedure failed. Walter (2004), 
for instance, developed a system that supports the operator in 
quality control of region and line objects in ATKIS by 
automatically extracting land cover classes from satellite 
imagery by multi-spectral classification, and comparing them to 
the corresponding ATKIS objects. He uses prior information 
derived from the existing ATKIS dataset for defining training 
sets for a supervised classification. ATKIS objects showing a 
high probability of differences to the extracted object classes are 
indicated as presumed changes. They are visualized for 
supporting the human operator’s final interactive analysis. GIS 
data in general can provide. a valuable source of prior 
information (e.g. Vosselman 1996) and can be used to stabilize 
the image interpretation tasks. 
The basic concept relies on a knowledge-based system for 
image interpretation. Knowledge-based systems have proven to 
be a suitable framework for representing knowledge about 
objects and exploiting it during the recognition process. Our 
system models structural dependencies by semantic networks 
(Bückner et al. 2002). It has been successfully applied to land 
cover interpretation by means of orthoimages, laser DEMs, and 
prior information from a GIS. 
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