Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
In our system the comparison of the ATKIS DLMBasis and 
reality, also called update, comprises two steps, namely 
verification and the acquisition of change. Verification is 
characterised by the following features: 
e The image analysis process is guided by information from 
a GIS about the object to be verified, i.e. the algorithm 
makes use of the information stored in the GIS to detect 
the image object. 
e If there is a certain degree of consistency of image features 
and information from the GIS, the object is accepted. 
e Otherwise the object is labelled as not accepted. 
Thus, verification is suited to determine specific quality 
measures. For updating, in contrast, information about a new 
object not yet stored in the dataset or information about changes 
of the old object have to be extracted from the image, too. 
Hence, a reasonable process chain starts with a verification step. 
In the event of any inconsistency other feature extraction 
algorithms can be triggered to derive more detailed information 
that is of value for the following update process. 
2.1 Concept of the Prototype 
The concept of the research and development project of BKG 
and the University of Hannover is characterized by the 
following main ideas: 
* Transfer of knowledge-based 
techniques to an operational 
applications (cf. Sec. 1.3). 
* Development of a prototype for comparing the model 
ATKIS DLMBasis to reality given in form of digital 
* [Efficient integration of the prototype into an interactive 
solution for 
The system development is embedded in a broader concept of a 
knowledge-based workstation, which provides functionality 
from photogrammetry, GIS, and cartography for the acquisition, 
and maintenance of geoinformation. A major goal of this 
concept is to integrate several components performing different 
tasks within the framework of a knowledge-based system. 
Currently, we are automating the interactive quality control step 
by step using procedures that have been developed in the 
research and development project with the University of 
Hannover. The automated procedures consist of automatic steps 
that are started by an operator and return a result that requires 
further interaction of the operator. 
The fully automatic part attains to solve the bigger part of the 
quality control unassistedly and to focus the human operator to 
those objects where the algorithms detect ambiguous situations. 
Thus, the goal is to reduce the amount of human interaction by 
automatically completing routine work which is a time 
consuming part in the quality control process chain. 
Challenging situations are afterwards analysed and solved by 
the human operator in a separate step. 
The results of the automatic procedure are passed to the human 
operator in the form of a so-called traffic light diagnostics, i.e. 
the results are displayed by means of red and green colour. An 
attribute corresponding to the traffic light diagnostics and 
indicating the result of the automatic procedure is attached to 
each inspected object. If the algorithm is able to detect and 
locate the corresponding image object without observing 
inconsistencies, the ATKIS object is marked with green colour. 
Otherwise the object is labelled red. i.e. not accepted, since the 
algorithm was not able to establish full correspondence. The 
human operator can access more parameters of the diagnostics 
whenever necessary. 
Since the human operator decides on acceptance or rejection in 
case of the red objects only, the decision of the automatic 
procedure has to be reliable in particular for objects labelled as 
green. The different situations that can occur when comparing 
decisions from a human operator and diagnostics from 
automatic procedures are classified in Table 1. 
Automatic Green Red 
Human Operator 
True Positive 
False Positive 
False Negative 
True Negative 
Table 1. Confusion matrix of decisions: human operator vs. 
automatic procedure, terminology. 
2.2 Components of the System 
The system is designed as a knowledge-based workstation, 
which provides functionality from knowledge-based 
photogrammetric image analysis and cartography for the 
production of geoinformation. It consists of three major parts: 
the GIS component, the knowledge-based component, and the 
image analysis component (q.v. Figure 1). 
| 1) Automatic Pre-Processing 
GIS Component 
3) Interactive Post-Processing 
e Control of Processes 
* Object Extraction 
e Verification 
Image Analysis 
Component * Update 
Figure 1. The components of the system for quality control 
The G/S component is based on ArcGIS. It acts as an automatic 
pre-processor of the ATKIS data, as an interface to the database 
and to the image processing system, as the environment for 
interactive post-processing of automatically derived results, or 
generally spoken as the user interface for handling the whole 
workflow and for visualising the overlay of orthoimages and 
ATKIS dataset. 
The knowledge-based component is designed for making 
knowledge about topographic objects available, for transferring 
it to the image analysis component in a suitable way, for 
handling the results from the image analysis component, for 
deriving scene descriptions, and for controlling the complete 
automatic workflow. 
The image analysis component comprises the automatic image 
feature extraction modules and the comparison with the original 

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