Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
thus a shadow has to exist next to a building. The azimuth and 
zenith angles of the sun position are taken as a priori 
knowledge. First hypotheses for shadows and roofs are 
generated using two different image segmentation operators. To 
validate these hypotheses instances of roofs are grouped with 
one or more instances of shadow. Shadow hypotheses of 
buildings are derived with a threshold decision in the image. 
Since shadows are not well visible in a green colour channel, 
the green colour has been masked during shadow detection. 
Additional shadows have a limited area, so shadows e.g. near a 
forest can be excluded. Roof hypotheses are generated in a more 
complex procedure. Here the so-called colour structure code 
(Rehrmann and Priese 1998) is used to segment the entire 
image. Additionally greenish areas are masked out. Only roof 
hypotheses of a plausible size are selected, additionally the 
compactness and orthogonality of roof labels are validated. In 
the last step the grouping of instantiated shadow and roof labels 
to validated buildings is performed. The neighbouring position 
of a shadow to a roof has to fulfil the illumination model. The 
resulting building hypotheses are divided into houses and 
industry halls using the area of the objects as criterion. 
3.2.3 Evaluation of an ATKIS region The results of the 
structural and textural approach are combined to verify or 
falsify the checked ATKIS regions. The two approaches lead to 
different measures of quality. The texture classification, which 
is a holistic operator, leads to a pixel-wise assignment of 
classes. The structural approach identifies complex objects by 
using a combination of different clues and the structure of 
objects. The considered ATKIS regions are evaluated with an 
evaluation catalogue, that was designed by use of the ATKIS 
catalogue and with use of the experience of human operators. 
Both the structural and textural conditions have to be passed for 
a validated ATKIS region. Settlement and industrial areas are 
verified by means of the found buildings. Vegetation classes are 
falsified if houses or buildings are found in the region. This 
decision is based on the definition in the ATKIS objects 
catalogue. Within the vegetation classes forest can be identified 
and verified. Agriculture are not supposed to contain forest. 
The main feature of the complete workflow for automated 
quality control is the interaction of automatic procedures with 
the interactive steps or the decisions taken by the human 
operator. Orthoimages and the ATKIS DLMBasis are available 
for the automatic procedures as well as for the human operator. 
The results of the automatic procedures are passed to the human 
operator in the form of a traffic light diagnostics. A speed-up of 
the automated workflow in comparison to a purely interactive 
workflow is attained by relying upon the objects accepted by the 
automatic procedures, i.e. the ATKIS objects highlighted with 
green colour. The human operator has to concentrate 
exclusively on his final decision for the rejected ATKIS objects, 
ie. the red ones. The consequences of this approach are 
described in Table 2. The percentage of corresponding 
acceptance when comparing an ATKIS object to the orthoimage 
indicates the efficiency of the system. Objects that have been 
accepted by the automatic procedure, but would have been 
rejected by the human operator, will result in undetected errors 
when using the workflow as depicted in Figure 2. Their 
percentage has to be as small as possible since only very few 
errors should remain undiscovered. For avoiding false alarms, 
ie. false negatives according to Table 1, all ATKIS objects 
rejected bv the automatic procedure have to be checked finally 
by the human operator. 
Automatic Green Red 
Human Operator 
Green Efficiency Interactive 
Final Check 
Red Undetected Interactive 
Errors Final Check 
Table 2. Confusion matrix of decisions: human operator vs. 
automatic procedure, effects (cf. Table 1). 
à; (ArcGIS) 
Final Decision 
by Operator 
Traffic Light 
Knowledge-Based s 
Component more Diagnostics 
# o.k. 
Figure 2. Workflow of quality control (q.v. text) 
We have compared the diagnostics of the automatic system with 
the results that have been obtained by a human operator without 
automatic image interpretation. Figure 3 shows an example of a 
situation that has been detected by the automatic road 
verification. The paths in the scene have been acquired 
improperly. Paths are of secondary interest. Nevertheless they 
are analysed by means of the automatic procedure 
demonstrating its ability to detect errors. Table 3 subsumes the 
results of the road verification. 
Figure 3. Example for the road verification. Orthoimage, 
ATKIS DLMBasis, and automatic diagnostics with detected 
Whereas road extraction is currently restricted to the road 
objects stored in the ATKIS DLMBasis, the work on built-up 
areas is based on classification and analysis of the whole 
orthoimage. Thus the analysis of built-up areas is intended to 
verify existing built-up areas, to determine their changes and 
expansions, and to detect development areas and objects that 
have been overlooked during data acquisition. 

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