International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV ‚ Part B2. Istanhul 2004
Automatic Green Red
Human Operator
Green 65.7 94 32.0 %
Red 0.76 % 1.53 %
Table 3. Statistics for road verification. The results are based on
the number of ATKIS road objects within rural areas. The
test area comprises 14 images each of a size of 2 km x 2 km.
Figure 4 depicts an example showing a development area that
has been detected automatically. The statistics for the
verification of built-up areas are revealed by Table 4. It
indicates a comparatively high number of false positives (cf.
Table 1). Most of these cases originate from single buildings
only covering a small part, e.g. less than 10 %, of the parcel.
We want to solve this by an adaptation of the procedure to these
Figure 4. Example for the verification of built-up areas.
Orthoimage and ATKIS DLMBasis (left), automatic
detection of errors (right).
Automatic Green Red
Human Operator
Green 69.5 % 21.2%
Red 6.2 % 3.1%
Table 4. Statistics for the verification of built-up arcas based on
14 images cach of a size of 2 km x 2 km. The percentage
relates to the number of ATKIS objects tested.
The automated verification method as described in this paper is
characterised by an efficient workflow of automatic procedures
and a final interactive inspection of situations which turned out
to be critical in an automatic self-diagnostics. We expect to
achieve further improvement of efficiency and of the number of
undetected errors since some problems have been identified and
solutions are in process. Additionally we plan to test our
method with images from high-resolution satellites.
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