Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
nurture and delivery of the information — capture, 
maintenance, validation, analysis, query, elaboration, 
rendering and delivery. The recent initiative (Intergraph et 
al, 2004) to ensure client-neutral interoperability with Oracle 
Spatial is currently restricted to 2D data but may well be 
extended to 3D so as to support photogrammetric clients. 
Another current trend, set to be realised in 2004, is for 
photogrammetric capabilities to be made available in the 
guise of familiar GIS editing tools operating in a 3D/Stereo 
environment. Examples that are anticipated include Z/l 
Imaging photogrammetry used via the Intergraph Geomedia 
interface and BAe Systems SOCET Set photogrammetry 
used with ESRI's ArcGIS. It will be interesting to see which 
style of user interface proves the more popular. 
These levels of integration and interoperability presently 
depend on active collaboration between the different 
technology suppliers. Particularly for 3D data, the broader 
vision of interoperability, with photogrammetric capabilities 
deployable in a Web Services architecture and ‘plug and 
play’ integration are still some considerable distance away in 
the future. Some of the standards issues involved are 
discussed in section 5 below. 
4.1 Update (or Revision). 
Market requirements for better currency of framework data 
are. increasing, especially from new business areas like 
mobile navigation, urban planning and business applications. 
There is in consequence more emphasis on update and or 
flexible patterns of update. Updating (used here as a 
synonym for revision) is the task of comparing the present 
state of the database with a more recently generated source or 
dataset, detecting and capturing changes and reflecting these 
in the database. By means of updating the database is 
regularly adapted to reflect changes in the real world. As 
such, it increasingly represents the *bread-and-butter' tasking 
of photogrammetric workstations. Some industry observers 
(Keating, T., private communication) have gone so far as to 
state that ‘The need to populate and maintain GIS databases 
has driven a re-growth in the photogrammetry community’. 
The trend towards richer data models in these GIS databases 
is a powerful motivation towards closer integration of all 
update tasks (including photogrammetry) with the database. 
The richer the model, the more checking is needed, and the 
greater the cost of remedying undetected errors, particularly 
as contamination of the data can spread enormously. Indeed 
such contamination may not be recoverable except by very 
expensive manual intervention and re-doing the whole 
process. Automation of the checking processes is both 
necessary and to a large extent achievable, but there is a big 
incentive to centralise these processes at the database level. 
Two particular cases are examined in sections 4.3 and 4.4 
Other important aspects of Update include the maintenance 
of metadata, to reflect the current status of update, and, in 
many instances, the preservation of the historv of previous 
states of the data. Both of these aspects are suitably handled 
at the database level. 
4.2 Refinement and Positional Accuracy Improvement. 
Refinement is the process of increasing the quality or content 
of existing data in terms of its geometric accuracy, its 
topological structure or its thematic content (by the addition 
of further attribution). 
The advent of widely available high accuracy GPS 
positioning has highlighted inaccuracies in absolute 
coordinate positioning in many core or framework 
topographic datasets. These have historically maintained 
high levels of relative positional accuracy — the much lower 
level of absolute accuracy having been less material. With 
the wider use of such data in association with contemporary 
GPS systems, this particular ‘nettle’ is now having to be 
grasped by national mapping agencies and their customers. 
The situation is much more widespread than might be 
generally known (EuroSDR, 2004) and rectifying it will be 
the cause of considerable investment over the next few years. 
Suitably controlled imagery (either used in photogrammetric 
workstations, esp. when 3D data is involved, or as 
orthoimagery if 2D data is involved) is a primary source for 
positional accuracy improvement (PAI). Almost inevitably, 
in PAI programmes, changes in the data due to real world 
change (update) and changes due to accuracy improvement 
are generated together. It is important for users of the data to 
be able to distinguish between these, in so far as this is 
possible. It is easy for the data supplier to be unmindful of 
the problems posed for users in modifying the positional 
content of their own data, consequential on the refinement of 
the accuracy of the topographic or framework data. 
Unfortunately the remaining errors in absolute position are 
typically unsystematic since systematic errors will have been 
dealt with already — see Fig. 5 for example. 
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Fig. 5. Non-uniform differences in spatial errors in US 
Census TIGER data. 
The provision of sufficient information (eg fields of shift 
vectors) to allow users in conjunction with their software 
systems to adjust their own data is a key aspect of the task, 
and poses an additional requirement on any systems 
(including photogrammetric workstations) used for PAI to 
record and generate such information. 
The PAI task for topographic or framework data may well be 
of such a magnitude as to call for some degree of automation, 
although to date it has been addressed in a more or less 
piecemeal short-term manner. Given the present state of the 
art in feature extraction, it would seem that the constrained 
problem - ‘There is, very likely, a feature with this geometry 
somewhere near this location in the image. Is it still there? If 
so, what are its coordinates? If not, refer to operator’ 
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