Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
should be capable of a degree of solution sufficient to cut 
timescales and costs. 
4.3 Support for Persistent Public Feature Identifiers. 
A major aspect of the new generation of data models being 
adopted by national mapping agencies and other data 
suppliers is the shift to meaningful features (often termed 
‘objects’, at this level of discourse the terms are effectively 
synonymous) with unique and persistent identifiers. This 
model provides strong support for a change-only or 
incremental update service to users. In the geospatial 
community this technique was first effectively adopted in the 
S57 standard of the International Hydrographic Organisation 
(1HO). It is now well established for topographic framework 
data, and is used for example by Ordnance Survey Great 
Britain in providing an incremental update service for its 
national MasterMap and Integrated Transportation Network 
datasets. Progress in this area can be monitored via the 
regular Joint ICA/ISPRS/EuroGeographics Workshops on 
Incremental Updating and Versioning of Spatial Databases, 
one of which precedes this Congress (ICA, 2003). 
Identifiers also play a key role as the ‘hooks’ by which user 
data can be related to framework data. Because they are 
relied upon by user applications, they force a more rigorous 
approach to the semantics of update. Lifecycle rules have to 
be defined across the tasks of creation, deletion, splitting and 
merging of objects and the modification of their geometric, 
thematic, topological and temporal descriptions. These have 
to cover identifiers, and the circumstances in which identity 
is retained or lost. 
All update processes need to be aware of these rules and to 
enforce them if update is to be efficient. They also need to 
respect existing identifiers and be capable of issuing new 
ones, either by access to a central registry or by a surrogate 
mechanism, leaving the final assignment to the commit stage. 
In all events the trend towards this form of data model 
strengthens the case for tighter integration between the 
database and the photogrammetric systems. 
It is worth noting that if framework data had provided 
identifiers as hooks from the outset, the consequential 
problems for user data from PAI would have been avoided. 
4.4 Support for Topology 
The desirability of active topology maintenance in update 
processes has been well documented and the lack of it is one 
of the major contributors to the extended timescales and 
repeated round trips of the early generation of systems 
(Edwards, 2000). For 2D data, support for topology is 
becoming increasingly available. The recently released 
Oracle 10g provides support for the storage of topology. 
Laser-Scan’s Radius Topology complements this with active 
server-side topology maintenance (Laser-Scan, 2004). 
ESRI’s ArcGIS (ESRI, 20023) provides topology support on 
the client side. There is still debate, as yet unresolved, as to 
which approach provides the better overall efficiency. 
The essential point for the discussion of integration is that the 
technology for active topology management in 2D is well- 
established and available. A level of integration which 
exploits this will deliver substantial productivity gains, as 
slivers and overshoots become things of the past. A key 
overall architecture decision to be made is whether active 
topology maintenance needs to be available only through the 
GIS interface, or to any application that uses the standard 
database interface. 
Photogrammetry is of course intrinsically concerned with 3D 
data. Support for topology in 3D is a much more open issue 
and is left to the next section. 
4.5 Further Benefits 
The use cases described in this section, which all represent 
major aspects of the overall task, all argue towards a greater 
degree of integration between photogrammetry and the 
database. Further benefits are potentially achievable with 
better data management and closer alignment with the IT 
mainstream. Photogrammetry system vendors and GIS 
vendors seek to off-load transaction management, history 
management and archiving to the DBMS. Furthermore, it is 
arguable (Garland, 2004) that the greatest savings may arise 
from the adoption of workflow management technology, 
which becomes accessible with improved data management 
5.1 Standards 
There is a common feeling that the integration of 
photogrammetry and GIS databases is not yet at a 
sufficiently mature stage to be the subject of Standardisation. 
In particular the lack of adopted and implemented standards 
for 3D data is an obstacle. GML2 from the Open GIS 
Consortium has proven its worth for transferring and serving 
2D data and for supporting incremental update. It is being 
widely adopted. Implementations of GML3, which supports 
3D data and topology, are at a very early stage. Some 
photogrammetry vendors have reported early experiments 
with GML (Olhof et al, 2004). 
Nevertheless, from the wider perspective, the shift to 
database-centric environments stands to benefit from the 
progress towards interoperability and better access to 
information through the application of OpenGIS and ISO 
As an aside, the progress towards the Sensor Web (OGC, 
2004) as reported in a special session of this Congress will 
have significant effects on front-end data and imagery 
gathering processes. 
5.2 Stages towards 3D support 
Databases which support spatial data typically include 
support for 3D data (although with significant restrictions in 
areas such as indexing and query). There is no difficulty in 
storing 3D information, although many national mapping 
agencies still do not retain z-values even when they are 
captured. This is changing as market demand for 3D vector 
data in addition to DEM increases. In practice 2.5D vector 
data (z as a single valued function of (x,y)) can be created 
from 2D data and sufficiently high quality DEM data. 
Issues arise in the handling of multiple z-values and topology 
in 3D. The implementation of full 3D topology, whilst 
defined in the ISO standards, is a long wav off. Many 
observers, the author included, would advocate seeking this 

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