Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

ibul 2004. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
5 4 | 45 : ; a 
nce with | ISPRS, 2004. Annual Report 2003. Vol. 9, No 1 March 2004. 
gy and | hüp:/wiavw.isprs.org/publications/highlights/highlights0901/a 
manager | nnualreportO3.pdf. (accessed 27 April 2004). 
skills in 
icing the | Laser-Scan, 2004. Radius Topology at http://www laser- 
products scan.convtechnologies/radius/radius topologvandex.htm. 
's, whilst | (accessed 27 April 2004). 
raphy or | 
domain, | OGC 2004. Sensor Web Enablement and OpenGIS 
ieeded to | SensorWeb at http:/www.opengis.org/functional/?page=swe. 
E | (accessed 27 April 2004). 
Pla, M., Sanchez S., and Colomer J-L., 2001. Updating 
| topographic databases: the example of the Topographic 
Database of Catalonia at scale 1:5000. OEEPE/ISPRS 
SEIS | Workshop “From 2D to. 3D = Establishment and 
Vol. 70 Maintenance. of National Core Geospatial Databases”, 
, | Hannover, Germany, October 2001. http://www .ipi.uni- 
hannover de/isprs-wg2-4/0eepe01 pdfs/colomer pdf 
(accessed 27 April 2004). 
: now Acknowledgements 
The author is pleased to acknowledge the inputs into the 
fry and i. d : = : 
; thinking behind the paper of several players from the 
| commercial and academic sectors including Terry Keating 
and Paul Garland of Z/I Imaging, John Allan of BAE 
| Systems, Eberhard Gülch of Stuttgart University of Applied 
| Sciences, Paul Watson of Laser-Scan and David Maguire of 
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Developments of commercial products is rapid and the 
interested reader should track them via the websites of the 
companies involved. 
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