Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

ul 2004 
Tetsu OOISHI, Keiji YAMADA, Hiroshi TAKEDA, Takamasa KAWAI 
Kokusai Kogyo CO., LTD, 3-6-1 Asahigaoka, Hino City, Tokyo, 191-0065 JAPAN 
{tetsu_ooishi, keiji_yamada, htake, takamasa_kawai}(@kkc.co.jp 
PS WGII/1 Real Time Mapping Techonologies 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Mobile, Mapping, Combination, GPS/INS, CCD 
Road Administration in Japan is now proceeding with the framework to realize smooth, safe and comfortable traffic by building up 
detailed spatial data of roadsides. Photographic survey and ground survey have been jointly employed so far for the measurement of 
spatial survey of roadside. However, it is difficult to construct the spatial data of urban areas in Japan at large scale because the 
aerial photograph has excessively many areas concealed by obstacles, and as a result, the burden of ground survey becomes too 
weighty. Therefore, there is a big problem in the increase of cost and maintenance of quality resulting from repeated implementation 
of aerial survey and ground survey. 
In addition, there is a limitation in the applicable scope of GSP survey in the ground survey because of the influence of surrounding 
tall structures. As a result, the measurement is made mainly by total station (hereinafter called *TS"). 
With such situations as a background, we developed the spatial data measurement using mobile mapping system and discussed the 
possibility of cost reduction and quality improvement. This system is composed of GPS / INS and position / posture sensor that 
measures vehicles as well as measuring vehicle equipped with stereo CCD area camera and PC which controls the camera and 
dedicated stereo mapping system. 
In this presentation, we will show the outline of mobile mapping system developed by as and describe the items we discussed until 
the decision of system construction. 
1.1 Background of system development LI Plan / preparation 
Among the information necessary for the road administrator to 0 Site survey 
rovide the services, keen attention is directed to the spatial : =. 
P : : pan C1 Mapping / edition 
data which have high commonality. These spatial data are the 
large scaled data conforming as much as possible to the O Structuring process 
geographic information standard, and it is planned to improve 
the efficiency of the business of road administrators and to 0 Quality evaluation 
provide the services with high added value to the residents 
through GIS system. 
In general, acrial photograph survey which is excellent in the 
efficiency is used for the generation of spatial data of wide area, 
and ground survey is used for the concealed areas in the aerial 
photograph. We calculated the ratio of costs by process as 
shown in Figure 1-1 based on the experiences in the business of 
generating large scaled spatial data at a certain city. This was a 
business to measure the position information of the road 
administration structures located on the national road and add 
the attribute data thereon. This was an area having many dead 
angles in the acrial photograph (Figure 1-2). 
As is clear from the Figure 1-1, the ratio of site survey is very 
large following the mapping / edition. In this business, the big 
problem was the increase of cost resulting from the repeated re- 
investigation at each process and maintenance of quality due to 
the site survey carried out by plural teams. And therefore, it is 
required to solve these problems in the construction of large 
scaled spatial data of urban areas. 
L] Creation of outcome 
Figure 1-1: An example of cost to generate spatial data by the 
Figure 1-2: Image photograph of study area 
1.2 Issues in generating spatial data of urban areas 
The representative issues in constructing large scaled spatial 
data of urban roadside will be pointed as follows. 

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