Application of Remote Sensing, GIS and Geo-Electrical Methods for Ground Water Exploration in
Zaheerabad, Medak Dist. A.P., India.
Praveen Raj Saxena’, V.Sudarshan” B.Chandrashekar™ & Manoj Raj Saxena™™.
* Associate Professor,Department of Applied Geochemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
Research Scholar, Department of Applied Geochemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
*** Scientist, National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad, India.
e.mail: saxenapr@
Keywords :Remote Sensing, GIS, Geology, Geophysics, Geomorphology, Management
ABSTRACT : Land and water are two broad components on which the entire biotic community thrive. In the
study area the main rock types are basalts and laterites. The main landform units in this province are-valley
fills, lower plateau and upper plateau. Occurrence of ground water in hard rock terrain is mainly controlled by
structures, landforms, lithology and recharge conditions. Remote Sensing technology is today widely used in
survey and management of natural resources. The technology has been found to be very effective in
identification of potential zones for ground water exploration. Thematic maps on geology, structures and
geomorphology has been prepared using satellite data. Geo-electrical resistivity survey was conducted in the
study area.
Finally, by integrating the geology, geomorphology, structures and the geophysical data, the groundwater
potential of the study area has been prepared. Criteria for GIS analysis have been defined on the basis of
groundwater conditions and geo-electrical resistivity data in the area and appropriate weightage has been
assigned to each information layer according to relative contribution towards the desired output.
The study indicates that in basaltic/lateritic terrain groundwater occurrence is more dependent on fractures.
Ground water potential is good in the valley fills, moderate in the lower plateau and poor in the upper plateau.
Based on the study an action plan for groundwater development in the study area has been suggested like
development of percolation/water retention ponds at the sites identified, tube wells/bore wells along the
lineament zone, utilisation of paleo channels for storing the flood water.
The results obtained encourage the use of integrated approach of Remote Sensing, GIS and Electrical resistivity
survey for ground water potential mapping.
INTRODUCTION: Land and water are two broad channels. Geology, geomorphology, structure and
components on which the entire biotic community climatic condition are the controlling factors for
thrives. The available surface water resources are ground water storage, occurrence and movement in
adequate to the entire water requirements for all hard rock terrain. These features are not observed on
purposes. So the demand for ground water has increased the surface by the naked eye but these parameters can
over the years. The spectra of a great thirst are looming easily be picked up through satellite remote sensing.
ahead of us. In most states in India withdrawal of As the art of remote sensing process has unique
groundwater both for agricultural and industry needs has potentiality of vividly displaying the size. shape,
been more than what can be recharged. And almost pattern and spatial distribution of various aquifer
everywhere callously handled waste management has system, their signature of deformation and the
ended in polluting not just rivers but aquifers as well. morphogenitic landforms. Better interpretation of
The powerful cash crop lobby too has played its part in hydrogeological data often requires that their spatial
guzzling resources. The assessment of quality and location be incorporated into the analysis. Geographic
quantity of groundwater is essential for the optimal information system can be used for storing
utilisation. The interpretation of satellite data in hydrogeological data as well as their spatial locations
conjunction with sufficient ground truth information in relational database (Shahid, S & Nath,S.K., 2000).
makes it possible to identify and outline various ground It also provides the facility to analyse the spatial data
features such as geology, structure, geomorphic features objectively using various logical conditions. As a
and their hydraulic characters ( 1997), that may result, nowadays. GIS is widely used for spatial
serve as direct or indirect indicators of the presence of modelling of hydrogeological prospect of a large arca
groundwater (Ravindran and Jayaram 1997). with more reliability. Examples from recent literature
spotlight several uses of GIS as applied to ground
The main source of groundwater is precipitation within water exploration. Gustafson (1993) used GIS for the
the region, which reaches the sub-surface formation in analysis of lineament data derived from SPOT
two ways: (a) by direct percolation and (b) surface run- imagery for groundwater potential mapping. Minor
off through existing or previously utilised drainage etal, (1994) developed an integrated interpretation