ıl 2004
gave average resistivity of 150Qm and less till the depth
of 30 meters and the values increased once the massive
basalt layer is touched. At point no.16 near Zaheerabad,
which is in the plateau region comprise of thick laterites
and is along the lineament, the litholog data indicates
murram with resistivity of 109Qm has thickness of
nearly 16meters, murram with clay at a depth of 24-50
meters has resistivity value of 83Qm followed by
153Qm. The total depth of the well is 100 meters with
casing of 66 meters and the yield is nearly 600Ipm. The
values of 95Om, 48Om, 920m, 195Om at point no.18
showed yields of 600lpm which is within the laterite
area. Similar is the situation for the well, dug near
lineament for the sample at point no. 19 south of
Fig- 4 Lineaments
Zaheerabad. Sample point no.23 occurring near a
lineament and at basalt laterite contact gave good yields
with resistivity values of 197Qm and 139Qm. Similar
situation is at points 23,24 and 25. Thus in the study
area the resistivity range for good yielding laterites range
between 110-230Qm.(Fig-3)
CONCLUSIONS: Integration of remote sensing.
geological, structure, morphological and geophysical
data over an study area of in and around
Zaheerabad of A.P. has helped in locating potential water
bearing zones. The major litho unit in the study area is
laterite. Water bearing characters of laterites vary from
place to place. The rock is composed of disconnected
vesicles. Multidimensional features may serve as
infiltration path for ground water replenish ment.
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