M.H. Obbink *', M. Molenaar ^, J.G.P.W. Clevers“, M. Loos“ A. de Gier ?
"Wageningen University, Centre for Geo-Information, P.O. Box 47. 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
— (marion.obbink, jan.clevers, mark.loos)
? International Institute for Geo-Information Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC), P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede. The
Netherlands — (molenaar, degier)(@ite.n!
KEYWORDS: Theory, Segmentation, Forestry, Land Cover, Mapping, Vegetation heterogeneity
The land cover mosaic (LCM) classification concept, which is based on the aggregate-mosaic theory, improves geo-information on
tropical deforestation for decision-makers. Land cover mosaics are
spatial units constituting mixtures of different land cover types.
They are defined by two parameters, that is the mix of different land cover types and the spatial size of these land cover types. In this
paper, a sensitivity analysis was performed to test the impact of the parameter spatial size on LCM classification results using two
Landsat TM images of a peatswamp forest in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Five methods were selected to evaluate the LCM classification
results, the standard remote sensing accuracy method KHAT, and four Landscape Pattern Metrics as applied in landscape ecology.
Results showed that for spatial sizes up to 150 ha, the total area of forest cover remained constant for both the 1990 image and the
more fragmented 1996 image. This finding is very useful for assessing the area of forest cover, which often differ widely between
various sources. From a decision-making point of view it is important that maps are produced with identical parameter settings,
when comparing temporally different images, because spatial size has effect on the spatial arrangement of forest cover. Combining
results of KHAT and Landscape Pattern Metrics thematic classes causing significant differences could be indicated. Finally. based
on variations in LCM classifications, it can be concluded that between 1990 and 1996 forest was depleted not due to logging
practices, but due to agricultural practices. Such a finding could be very useful to support planning and development strategies, and
to improve governmental policies to manage tropical rainforests in a sustainable way.
Global studies of tropical deforestation are based on
information sources compiled at regional levels. Parts of these
regional information sources are based on digital maps derived
from remote sensing data, where forest cover information is
classified and stored at pixel level. These maps are static and,
without further interpretation, they do not have much
explanatory or predictive power about the driving forces and
mechanisms behind forest cover changes (the actors). Decision -
makers, however, need such explanatory information on actors
to decide when and where to take action concerning
undesirable developments in tropical rainforest areas.
Consequently, remote sensing image analysts should expand
their monitoring task of land cover at pixel level towards
identification of actors, design models on actors behavior, and
prepare scenario's on the impact of the actors. This calls for an
underlying remote sensing theory that describes how to retrieve
such explanatory information form remote sensing data. An
important issue of such a theory is handling the problem that
vegetation in tropical rainforest areas is extremely
heterogeneous (Whitmore, 1998). It often consists of different
mixtures of trees, shrubs and grasses at different spatial
aggregation levels resulting in different vegetation structures.
Consequently, vegetation heterogeneity should be expressed as
variations in vegetation composition and vegetation structure at
different spatial aggregation levels. As such, variations in land
cover mosaics can be related to different actors.
A range of innovative processing techniques have been
developed to improve per-pixel based classifications. Howe ver,
the majority of the techniques either address vegetation mixture
(to reduce autocorrelation or spectral overlap) or vegetation
structure (to handle image texture). Examples of reducing
autocorrelation are segmentation algorithms (Hill, 1999),
filterin g (Palubinskas et al., 1995), and Markov random fields
(Cortijo & Perez de la Blanca, 1998). Examples of reducing
spectral overlap are co-occurrencies (Kushwada et al.. 1994),
semi-variograms (Woodcock & Strahler, 1987), and cover-
frequencies (Bandibas et al. 1995). Examples of handling
image texture are wavelet transforms (Carvalho et al., 2001:
multiresolution segmentation (Burnett & Blaschke, 2003), and
post-classification aggregation (Beurden van & Douven, 1999).
Aggregate-mosaic theory describes the concept of land cover
mosaic (LCM) classification to address both vegetation mixture
and vegetation structure at higher aggregation levels than the
pixel when classifying remote sensing data (Obbink, et al.,
2002). Land cover mosaics are spatial units constituting
mixtures of different land cover types. They are defined by two
parameters, that is the mix of different land cover types and the
spatial size (expressed as minimum -area) of these land cover
types. Based on expert knowledge, variations in land cover
mosaics can be related to different actors. The objective of this
paper is to demonstrate the LCM classification concept for two
temporal images of a peatswamp forest in Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Specifically, a sensitivity analysis was performed to
test the impact of the parameter spatial size on LCM
classification results, and on variability and arrangement of
forest cover and forest cover pattern using KHAT and four
Landscape Pattern Indices.
* Corresponding author. Tel: +31-317 474 721; Fax: *31-317 419 000
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