Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

1l 2004 
2.  Decision-makers at different decision-levels can 
make sensible consistent decisions on forest area 
change, because overall the two images responded 
quite similar to the LCM parameter spatial size (with 
restriction of conclusion 3). 
Decision-makers at different decision-levels need 
temporal maps that are produced with identical 
parameter settings to avoid comparing apples and 
oranges, because the LCM parameter spatial size 
proved not to be consistent in the arrangement of 
forest cover. 
In addition, regarding the sensitivity estimators it can be 
concluded that the composition and configuration measures as 
used at both the class and landscape level are very useful for 
remote sensing based classifications in addition to conventional 
KHAT statistics and cover values (as measure by PLAND). In 
this respect, the indices LSI and KHAT seem to be a useful 
combination to indicate the levels of disaggregation at which 
classification results differ significantly. The indices NP and 
KHAT seem to be a useful combination to indicate which 
classes are causing significant differences between 
classification results. The indices LSI and PLAND, or NP and 
PLAND (a configuration and a composition measure) seem to 
be a useful combination to indicate suitable combinations of 
parameter settings for the LCM parameter size to compare 
temporally different images. Moreover, the indices SIDI and 
PLAND (both composition measures) seem to be a useful 
combination to indicate underlying change processes in forest 
areas. SIDI provided the area range (35-100 ha) at which a 
striking diversity change occurred, whereas PLAND indicated 
the vegetation class most likely involved (shrub vegetation). 
Combining both measures, it can be concluded that shrub, 
which is an intermediar vegetation in the transition from forest 
to agriculture and vice versa, contributed significantly to the 
change in SIDI and thus plays an important role in the 
underlying change process. This means that between 1990 and 
1996 forest is depleted not due to logging practices, but due to 
agricultural practices. This type of information can be very 
useful for decision-makers at local, provincial and national 
level, who are urged to preserve rainforest for future 
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SRON, Wageningen University and ITC (The Netherlands) are 
acknowledged for supporting this research. 

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