Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Informatiofi Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
e Audit quality in every activity; 
eFault and process registering, when detected — 
eImplementation of corrective actions when detected in 
the production chain. 
- Work Instructions: Every activity must be executed in 
function of specification's requirement. The registered 
instructions will allow implementing the company know-how, 
making it less susceptible to unexpected problems that can 
occur during production process. It makes possible also, to 
define a work severity that will guarantee the quality control 
to the customer. 
— Corrective Actions: Quality control means error reduction or 
elimination. The corrective actions documentation serves as a 
registering of efforts carried out in order to obtain the desired 
quality. The main objective is to eliminate or to prevent the 
causes of nonconformity or imperfections in the spatial data 
production processes. These actions are registered with the 
purpose of keeping a description of the quality. 
The Quality Control Systems workflow for Digital 
Photogrammetric Processing (PQCS) is presented in Figure 2. 
Two steps compose PQCS: (i) procedure description and (ii) 
quality analysis. 
Oualitv Control Procedures - Part I 
Concept Model 
Graphical Model 
Procedures Work 
Description Flow 
— Applied Processes: As they are applied, they are registered 
in form of reports and printed in the graphical project and also 
m as table for activities control. 
| | | — Conceptual Model: The adoption of a data conceptual model 
Regulamentations Fe »| Working | | Perform during the negotiation phase must lead to a "prototype" of the 
Specifications on Seek ; Cane RT. . 
Instruetons Process product in order to facilitate the definition of the product and 
| to adequate it for use or to make it adjusted to the customer's 
Quality Analysis - Part II ; : : 2.1.2 Quality Analysis 
Quality Control QC = VISUAL CHECK The second PQCS step is based on some Suisse 
€ J À x T SEU E - . ^ * * 
: , i : stives (draft version) Al with ac 
fine Prodruction  DOCUMVENTATION photogrammetric directi es (draft version) It deals with aero 
A : phtogrammetric process including image shooting, processing 
ans “Quality CORRECTIONS and scanning; terrestrial control points, aerotriangulation, DTM 
Aquisition Parameters -— - REGISTER generation, ortophotos generation and vectorization. The main 
quality items observed in the system are presented in annexed 
Dd Table 1. 
; ; ; ity Par IS 
Scanning | | 7 Scanner v Tonal 
= Qc? Calibration Y Pixel Sizel 
= + V Camera Quality Control and Vectorization 
= Project * Brighteness For horizontal and vertical positioning quality control during 
em Preparation v Contrast vectorization the Eslami Rad (1995) recommendation is used, 
as described in Equations 1 and 2 on Table 1. The sigma values 
are the same as presented in that table. 
Images files | r9] Interior Orientation 2.2 Attributes Accuracy and Completeness 
Camera Data 
: QC The implementation of a logical model including topological 
: S restriction definition in the created classes and the 
Image Sequencies ^d Aerial : . Sis mm ; . 
Flight Data Pb Tiangulation implementation of visualization methods must avoid logical 
consistency errors in the database. For instance, permissible 
values are established to avoid the occurrence of “overshoots” e 
DTM Generation |4——.: us ei - : 
e undershoots" phenomena. The first one can be explained, as 
Vectorizati for instance, as a line that can surpass an intersection during a 
BI ectorization , c 
P roduct vectorization process. The second one can be explained, as for 
Ortophoto Quality ———— no dure t /oid : lines d Iygons being 
Cnn ality instance, as a procedure to avoid arcs, lines and polygons being 
I too far way from neighbor elements. 
Figure 2 Functionality workflow of the PQCS : ; Ja) 
Other established rules are configured in the digital 
photogrammetric system in such a way to alert the operator if 
any restricted action is taken. The proposed basic rules consider 
the following factors: 
2.1.1 Procedure Description 
This part of the system includes all documents that must be 
issued in order to guarantee a high level of quality. The 
following are the principal parameters to be considered in that 
control phase: eParallelism between lines (road edges, canals,...); 
eLines perpendicularity (building edges...); 
eNon duplicated lines or polygons; 
e Input acceptance for layers, color, etc; 
eMinimal proximity for lines; 
eMinimal polygon dimension; 
eMinimal squaring; 
e Automatic polygons closing. 
— Specifications: The existing technical specifications shall be 
translated to the operational level under the form of 
spreadsheets graphically indexed and workflow diagrams 
contemplating graphical illustrations of the instructions. 
— Regulations: All norms, regulations or requirements of the 
specifications inherent to the execution of the mapping 
project are placed in first plan during activities planning and 
quality control measurement specifications. An example on how to proceed for data collection automation 
restriction was implemented on a data object oriented system 

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