Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
Table 4-1: Comparison of area sensor and line sensor 
Item of SEN 
: Area sensor Line sensor 
Measuring Stereo mapping is | Stereo mapping is 
method possible (interpreted | difficult (mainly 
by person) automatic processing) 
Visibility Same as ordinary | It is difficult for human 
photograph being to understand 
Condition It is possible to use It is difficult. to 
for system | existing mapping | develop the automatic 
developmen | system processing system 
Handling of | Only the Management is 
data management of | difficult because it 
stereo image pair and | depends on traveling 
is easy speed 
Spatial A little low | There are larger 
resolution comparing with | number of pixels per 
line sensor line 
As a result as shown in the above, the area sensor is more 
advantageous because the spatial attributes can be acquired 
using existing mapping system and system development is 
easier. Also, although the spatial resolution is a little inferior, it 
can be supplemented by the shooting interval of stereo images. 
Therefore, we will start developing employing the area sensor. 
When the area sensor is used for stereo measurement, long base 
line is necessary as much as possible to enhance the accuracy of 
depth direction. However, since there is a restraint that the 
sensor is mounted on a vehicle, 2 m is considered to be the limit 
for the base line. Seeing from the experiences obtained from 
applied photograph measurements, the ratio from 1 / 5 to 1 / 20 
is realistic as for the ratio between base line length and photo 
taking distance, and as a result, the measuring range is 
necessarily limited to 10 — 40 m. 
The biggest problem in measuring objects is the spatial 
resolution resulting from the distance to object and focal length 
of lens. The smallest ground structure on the road is eye 
induction indicator of 3 cm in width, and it is necessary to 
identify this line on the image. The level of 2 million pixels is 
required as the area sensor that can realize this requirement. 
When the vehicle is driven at the speed of 40 km per hour, the 
car travels 11 m per one second (Figure 3-3). Since the range 
where stereo photographing is possible is 30 m (10 — 40 m), it 
will be possible to cover overlapping rate and total line based 
on the work efficiency if the photograph is taken at the rate of 
one picture per one second. : 
— —+— 20km 
= 20 —Bi— 30km | 
9 —O- 40km | 
B 15 50km ze 
2 | 
40 | 
8 | 
9 | 
0 | 
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ] 12 1.4 
Shutter nterval (second) 
Figure 3-3: Shutter interval and photo taking distance of camera 
(2) Selection of position self measuring sensor 
Since the required accuracy is within 25 em as stated in the 
section of requirements for development, the accuracy of a few 
em is required for the position coordinates of camera acquired 
by the position self measuring sensor. POS / LV system made 
by Applanix is appropriate to realize this requirement. This 
system is able to record GPS data of 1 PPS and IMU data of 
200 PPS. There are three models of POS / LV 420, 320 and 220 
in the products made by this company, and the high end model 
of POS / LV 420 is considered to be most proper taking into 
account the reduction of accuracy due to concealment of GPS. 
(3) Time synchronization of cameras 
It is an important problem to synchronize the time among 2 
stereo cameras and position self measuring sensor. To solve this 
problem, we will adjust the timing of action of each equipment 
using trigger generator. This trigger generator activate picture 
shooting trigger using the GPS data of 1 PPS outputted from 
POS / LV described in the above as the reference time. Each 
stereo camera receives this synchronization signal and activates 
the shutter of digital camera. In this way, time synchronization 
is realized using the GPS time as the key. 
(4) Selection of measuring vehicle 
In this section, we will discuss the measuring vehicle (car) used 
as the platform of this system. 
* Higher position of sensor installation is preferable to reduce 
the influence of obstacles (car height). 
* The longer base line of stereo measurement is desirable to 
secure the accuracy of depth direction (car width). 
* As for position self measuring sensor, the longer base line 
using 2 GPS for the correction of heading angle is preferable 
(car length). 
* Special large sized car is not realistic from the viewpoint of 
cost and operation. 
By the reasons stated in the above, one-box wagon is 
considered to be most proper as the type of measuring vehicle. 
(5) Installation method of each sensor 
In this system, stereo camera and position self measuring sensor 
(GPS / IMU) are mounted on the measuring vehicle. In order to 
determine the position and inclination. of camera sensor 
accurately, it is necessary to mount these sensors on one solid 
body and maintain the relative position among the sensors. For 
this purpose, a roof carrier commercially available is equipped 
on the top of measuring vehicle, a highly solid rack is installed 
on it, and all the sensors are fixed on the rack. By measuring the 
relative positional relation among the sensors in advance, the 
information of position and posture obtained from position self 
measuring sensor can be correctly reflected on the information 
of camera position. 
Two-way observation will be the basis for the actual 
measurement. Namely, measurement will be made on only the 
ground structures at the traveling lane and those at the opposite 
lane will be neglected. As a result, the ground structures to be 
measured are distributed mainly at the left frontward direction, 
and therefore, it would be appropriate to install the stereo 
camera so as to face the left frontward direction. 
4.2 Discussion on the data analysis and processing system 
(1) Stereo image photographing system 
Stereo ima 
trigger gc 
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(2) Calibr: 
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