Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
In (Kohlas and Monney, 1995) it is shown that the Bayesian 
approach can be represented by E-T, whereas a represen- 
tation of E-T by Bayes Theory is not feasible. One inte- 
resting difference to the Bayesian approach is the possi- 
bility to formulate ignorance: in the Bayesian framework 
the evidence must be allocated completely to the possible 
hypotheses, thus a priori probabilities are selected in order 
to calculate conditional probabilities from found evidence. 
In E-T it is allowed to explicitely formulate ignorance and 
therefore a specification of a priori knowledge is not re- 
In this work the Hint-Theory is preferred to a Bayesian ap- 
proach because assumptions about a priori probability dis- 
tributions concerning the quality of an individual ATKIS 
object can not be made. One could take into account to ob- 
tain this information from experience but this could lead to 
a distortion of results. The main reason for this is that the 
influences to the data quality of ATKIS are manifold and 
can not be modeled a priori. 
The assessment of ATKIS objects by means of extracted 
objects or by means of objects of a higher quality requires 
a model describing the properties of all involved object 
classes and their relations. The model used here has two 
major properties: a) the attributes and the attributive and 
positional certainties can be assigned in an uniform man- 
ner and b) a separation between objects to be assessed, ob- 
jects which directly give evidence and context objects is 
given. These properties are important because a) assures 
that the model is extensible with new object classes and b) 
allows to apply this approach even without having infor- 
mation about context objects. 
The relationship model (ref. to Fig. 1) contains three ma- 
jor classes: ATKIS objects, context objects and extracted 
road objects. Additionally the topologic and geometric re- 
lations are described. Such models are called relationship 
models, because the main intention is to illustrate the re- 
lations between the objects of interest. It can also be un- 
derstood as an extension to so called local context models 
as introduced in (Mayer, 1998). The main extension con- 
sists in the insertion of the GIS objects which have to be 
assessed. Moreover the geometric subelements of a line 
object (segments) are explicitely contained. 
Objects are geometrically described by a concatenation of 
segments consisting of two points (thus resulting in a line- 
string). The decision to choose this representation (e.g. in 
contrast to a polynomial one) is based mainly on computa- 
tional considerations. If necessary the conversion from any 
representation to a line-string representation is done by a 
quantization (accepting a certain amount of loss of accu- 
racy). In the assessment phase each segment of an object 
is analysed separately. By means of combining the assess- 
ment results of all object’s segments it is possible to obtain 
an assessment result for the whole object. 
The relationship model is independent of global context, 
ie. the appearance of objects in different environments. 
This knowledge must be considered by the respective ob- 
ject extraction algorithm. 
Linear Local Context Object (Line-string) 
W,; width 
Aw,; certainty width | | 
App, certainty position projection | 
° Apa,: certainty position algorithm 
E Op, precision position 
© p_con: confidence 
L od 
o Row of Buildings | Row of Trees Convoy of Vehicles 
e e © 
Row of Buildings- Row of Trees- Convoy of Vehicles | 
Segment Segment Segment | 
0 ; ; 
£ is parallel is parallel is parallel 
9 disjoint with disjoint with contains 
S d min-3m, d min-1m, identical width: no 
o d max-15m d max-10m 
o i 
$ ATKIS Carriageway (Line-string) | 
Oo ATKIS Carriageway : 
o Object-Segment e w,: Width | 
e Aw: certainty width | 
E Ap,: certainty position | 
identical width: yes 
Extracted Road Object-Segment 
Extracted Road Object 
(Line-string) Types of 
w_: width | 
Pu ; d p> generalization i 
Aw. certainty width ! 
Apa,: certainty position algorithm @ composition | 
Op, precision position association | 
Extracted Road Objects Relations 
p. con: confidence 
Figure 1: Relationship Model 
3.1 Object Classes 
Three groups of attributes for the specification of the qua- 
lity are used (refer to Fig. 1): 
1. certainty A: The certainty represents the range in which 
a variable is defined. Certainty can be understood as 
an equipartition. For example if an attribute width is 
5m and the certainty of this value is 2m than it is as- 
sumed that width-[3 . . . 7m]. 
2. precision a: The precision is a measure in the sense 
of a standard deviation (Gaussian). If in the above 
example the precision is 2m then the probability that 
width-|1 . .. 9m] would be about 95% (20). 
3. confidence Pcon: Many object extraction algorithms 
apply an internal evaluation of the results. This mea- 
sure should be used in the assessment phase and is 
therefore also part of the attributes. The confidence is 
defined in [0, 1]. 

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