Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part-B2. Istanbul 2004 
x 70120 
Row of 
Trees Row of 
Extracted Trees 
ë r Las J 
Figure 4: Objects 70202 (left) and 70120 (right), Orthoim- 
age and ATKIS ©Landesvermessungsamt Nordrhein- 
relation and 4) and 5) the outcome from the combination. 
The plausibility regarding the topologic relation is not de- 
fined as —7' is not supported. On the z-axis the particu- 
lar number of segments which have reached a certain sup- 
port or plausibility value (10 bins on y-axis) is displayed. 
The histogram-based analysis was chosen in order to ob- 
tain a first overview on the quality representation. As all 
observed ATKIS segments are supposed to be correct or 
incorrect respectively, the histograms represent how good 
the approach reflects the quality. 
Three experiments have been accomplished with the cor- 
rect data (Fig. 3): a) assessment of ATKIS segments using 
extracted road objects, b) additional incorporation of rows 
of trees and c) like b) but with decreased certainty and pre- 
cision for ATKIS (set to zero). At first glance one might 
be confused at the low support rates for the segments. This 
can be explained by the relatively low number of extracted 
objects: if at all, most ATKIS segments are not completely 
covered by the extracted objects. 
What is more interesting are changes from a) to c). Com- 
pared to experiment a) the rows of trees (b) give a lot of 
support and regarding geometry relations, the plausibility 
also increases for most segments. The support regarding 
topology increases mostly in the lower part (0.1 to 0.4) as 
due to the relatively low certainties of the rows of trees the 
support for this relation may not be very good in princi- 
ple. It also corresponds to the model that in most cases the 
support regarding topology in c) decreases as the quality 
measures for ATKIS are set very strict“. In contrast the 
support and plausibility regarding geometry just changes 
marginally compared to b). 
Two examples are chosen to clarify the sketched behavior 
of the approach. The left image in Fig. 4 shows ATKIS ob- 
ject 70202 being covered to approx. 50% by an extracted 
road object and another 70% by a row of trees. The right 
! If however the given geometry of an ATKIS segment coincides well 
with the extracted object, the support from topology increases. 
Exp... Z/Seg.. spT .spG-. pLG . sp.S. pls 
a) 1 0,52 10.75 ; :0.:99: 03% 106 
2 0.66" 0.71 097 0.90. 0.99 
3 0.40" “039° 099 © 0.63" 100 
b) 1 0.52 0.757099 0.858 100 
2 0.66 (074 098-091 099 
S 048 068 088 082 0.93 
C) 1 0.13" 092 0.99: 094 20.99 
2 007 082 097 033 097 
3 034710778 70.92 0,82 095 
Table 4: Results for 70202 (consists of 3 Segments) 
Exp. :d/Ses. sp-To /sp.Gooc plGospS. «pbS 
a) 657. 020 676 639. 035 
D um m wo = 
3 0.52 0.25 0797060 089 
4 0:14 017-083: 027 — 0.85 
b) 1 058 028° $73 7861 0% 
2 0.00 039 100 039 1.00 
3 054.035 "081 .00.67. 090 
4 017 013 065 023 0.70 
c) 1 0.25 026.070. 040 033 
2 0.00 044 1.00 044 1.00 
3 045 0.35 07% 060° 0:36 
0.04.0502 2074 6200144075 
Table 5: Results for 70120 (consists of 4 Segments) 
image show ATKIS object 70120 being covered to approx. 
20% by extracted road and to another 20% by a row of 
trees. The detailed assessment results for 70202 are given 
in Tab. 4, Tab. 5 shows details for 70120. The first example 
demonstrates very good support for the segments as these 
are fully covered (compare experiment a) to b)). The sup- 
port for the geometric relation in experiment c) increases 
for some segments as the ROT decreases and therefore the 
rows of trees in the northern part (which are not parallel to 
the ATKIS segment) are not taken into account. In the se- 
cond example the support is not very good as the coverage 
is not sufficient. But the relatively high plausibilities al- 
low the conclusion that the existing extracted objects give 
not much evidence against the hypothesis that the ATKIS 
segments coincide well with the model. 
The experiments with incorrect ATKIS data (Fig. 5) were 
conducted to investigate if the approach is able to detect 
bad quality. Here two experiments have been carried out: 
a) the extracted correct road objects are used to assess the 
incorrect data and b) additionally the correct rows of trees 
are incorporated. An outstanding property of both his- 
tograms is that there is nearly no support beyond 0.3 for 
both relations as well as for the combination. In some cases 
in experiment (b) the plausibilities are relatively high. Such 
situations may occur as similar to the support for the hy- 
pothesis the support against it is not very high due to the 
poor coverage. 
In this paper an approach for quality assessment of ATKIS 
road vector data is introduced. A relationship model con- 
tains the object class to be assessed and the object classes 
in topologic and geometric relation to it. Besides the rela- 
tions quality measures are defined having an impact on the 
subsequent assessment phase. Here extracted objects are 
assigned to the ATKIS segments according to the modeled 
topologic relation and the respective given quality mea- 
sures. Afterwards the existing topologic and geometric 
objects a 
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