International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004
difference, intensity and color information at several resolutions
in a data pyramid.
LasTools manages subblocks invisibly to the user, who may
select any area (rectangular, polygonial or linear) within a block
for display and processing and may pan and zoom the display
freely over the entire block without having to work with
subblocks or even encountering their traces in the displayed
2.2 Workflow
LasTools handles all steps of the lidar data processing workflow
from project setup to output of products and provides guidance
and support to the user on required steps, production progress,
quality control, and report generation.
The first step in the workflow is project preparation. It involves
= setting up a project by defining its location in a computer
environment, and creating the required directory structures
(which happens automatically); a new project may be
created from scratch or as a copy of an existing project if
some of the parameters used in the old project also apply
to the new project,
= importing project-defining data (perimeters, target
coordinate system(s) and projections, flight plans,
products, output formats and tiling requirements, accuracy
requirements, tie-points and control surface information,
geoid, etc.),
=» definition of the processing steps and timeline for
processing milestones.
In the second step the data to be processed is imported:
= import of pre-processed trajectory data
= import of raw or pre-processed lidar along with sensor
description and calibration files — the import process
includes geocoding of raw lidar data, generation of track
outlines, conversion and storage of lidar data in the meta-
data subblock files,
= import of digital camera images and associated exposure
location and calibration information.
The next step covers lidar and image processing:
" calibration — if not available from an earlier project
LasTools assists in deriving sensor calibration parameters
(sensor-specific parameters, boresighting, range- and
angular offsets) for both lidar and simultaneously acquired
digital camera data from a calibration flight pattern over an
* strip adjustment using data from cross-track intersections
and overlap of adjacent strips; adjustment of roll- and
scanangle-scalefactor deviations is done using trajectory
data, or if not available by an approximate reconstruction
of the trajectory from strip data. The availability of track
numbers as an attribute to each lidar point is, however,
= verification of internal geometrical accuracy at strip
overlap and intersection areas,
=» classification of lidar points into classes ground/bare-earth,
vegetation, buildings/artificial structures, etc.,
= control of classification quality by statistical analyses and
* transformation into target system,
= geometrical adjustment on the model level using reference
surfaces, tie-points, and geoid data,
= verification of absolute geometrical accuracy,
= generation of digital elevation models and lidar data
imagery (IR intensity images, RGB/CIR images),
" Orthorectification of digital imagery using lidar DSM,
mosaiking and tone balancing.
project data —|
region/ Setup
block perimeters
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data products report
Figure 3. Workflow (gray=optional inputs)
In the final step data products are output:
= tiling, output conversion, and export in the required output
formats (e.g. ASCII, LAS, Terrascan, Shape, GeoTIFF,
JPG2000, etc.)
= generation of a processing report, including documentation
of performed processing steps, used parameters, input and
output data files, time, and manpower, computing capacity
spent to reach milestones and checkpoints, statistics and
results of quality checks.
2.3 Project Management
The project management features of LasTools cover the
following aspects:
= user guidance,
=" workflow and production status monitoring,
" resource management
= quality control.
User guidance assists the user by indicating which actions are
necessary for the production process to proceed, and ensures
project integrity. This is especially valuable for a novice user
who is advised which parameters need to be set (and what they
mean), which files need to be imported and in which sequence
processing should be done to achieve the desired results most
efficiently. This is implemented in form of an advanced
“project wizard”. Context sensitive online help functionality
further assists users of all experience levels, ranging from brief
“tool-tips” through more detailled item explanations to fully
indexed user manuals and tutorials.
Workflow control ensures that processing steps are performed
in the required sequence and are completed before proceeding.
The project administrator may define a sequence of processing
steps and set certain conditions/milestones that must be met
before subsequent steps can be initiated. It also controls access
to data
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