Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
The experimental results obtained with the two data sets 
confirmed that LIDAR and optical imagery from airborne 
platforms can deliver valuable traffic flow data. In addition, 
the initial performance analyses of the representative data 
sample have shown a good potential for automated 
processing. Table 4 provides generic performance metrics, 
which compare the potential of various airborne remote 
sensing technologies to obtain traffic flow data. 
Sensor LiDAR Digital camera 
Platform Airplane Airplane Helicopter Satellite 
Spatial extent Good Good Limited Excellent 
Temporal extent Moderate Moderat Excellent Weak 
Vehicle extraction Simple Difficult Difficult Complex 
Vehicle Simple Feasible Feasible Limited 
Vehicle tracking Not Limited Good Not 
feasible feasible 
Velocity estimate Moderate Good Excellent Not 
Flow computation Feasible Good Excellent Not 
Table 4. Performance comparison metrics. 
The feasibility and efficiency of using airborne remote 
sensing to traffic monitoring were demonstrated. Airborne 
sensors, LiDAR and frame imagery in particular, provide 
high spatial and temporal resolution data that can effectively 
support modeling and management of traffic flows. It should 
be mentioned that even though the cost per unit of traffic 
data for airborne platforms could be lower, as compared to 
the traditional ground based methods, the cost of the platform 
and the sensors might still be prohibitive. As a great amount 
of LiDAR data, as well as imagery, is collected for routine 
aerial mapping over transportation corridors and in urban 
areas with dense road networks, there is already an 
opportunity for obtaining such flow data at practically no 
extra effort. Similarly, digital sensor systems can be turned 
on to collect data during transit between mapping project 
areas. Thus, at almost no cost, a significant amount of data 
rich in traffic flow information can be acquired. To move 
from a prototype implementation to a turn-key system, 
further algorithmic developments are required to achieve a 
highly-automated processing plus more tests are needed with 
varying vehicle density and dynamics, as well as during 
various flight conditions/environment. 
This research was partially supported by the NCRST-F 
program. The LiDAR and image data were provided by the 
Ohio Department of Transportation and Optech International. 
The authors would like to thank Eva Paska and Tamas Lovas, 
PhD candidate students at the Department of Civil and 
Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science, OSU and 
Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, 
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 
respectively; and Shahram Moafipoor, visiting scholar, OSU 
for their help in the data processing. 
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Toth, C. — Grejner-Brzezinska, D. — Merry, C., 2003b. 
Supporting Traffic Flow Management with High-Definition 
Imagery, Proc. Of Joint ISPRS Workshop on High 
Resolution Mapping from Space 2003, Hannover, Germany, 
Oct 6-8, 2003, CD-ROM. 
Toth C. — Grejner-Brzezinska, D. — Lovas, T. 2003c. Traffic 
Flow Estimates from LiDAR Data, Proc. ASPRS Annual 
Conference, May 5-9, pp. 203-212, CD-ROM, 2003. 
Toth, C. -  Grejner-Brzezinska, D., 2004. Vehicle 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
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