Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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of uncalibrated sensors (cameras and video-cameras). Thus 
linear methods to solve for relative orientation' based on the 
essential matrix  (Longuet-Higgins, 1981) and on the 
fundamental matrix (Faugeras et al, 1992), algorithms 
integrating self camera calibration (Hartley, 1992), applications 
to motion vision (Weng ef al., 1993) and estimation techniques 
different for classical L.S. have been introduced. A review on 
this subject can be found in Hartley and Zisserman (2000). 
The impact of these solution to photogrammetry was twofold: 
e solution to the problem of approximations, which are 
found by applying linear method and then refined by 
standard photogrammetric equations; ih this case 
derivation of geometric from algebraic parameters is 
needed (see Hattory & Myint, 1995; Pan, 1999). 
e preliminary gross outlier rejection, integrating high break- 
down robust techniques (Torr & Murray, 1997). 
Several matching techniques were developed to fin homologous 
points and features. While in photogrammetry orientation 
equations are  prevalently point-based, machine vision 
techniques also exploit other kinds of constraints, such as lines, 
surfaces and angles. 
Nevertheless object reconstruction from a pair of images suffers 
from low redundancy, being the control on the extracting of 
homologous point by matching techniques limited to epipolar 
constraints. To overcome this drawback, a formulation of the 
relative orientation of a triplet of images has been established 
through the so called frifocal tensor (also referred to as trilinear 
tensor), introducing a higher redundancy (Spetsakis & 
Aloimonos, 1990; Hartley, 1994)". A review can be found in 
Ressl (2000). Application of trifocal tensor to solve for 
approximations in standard orientation procedures (relative 
orientation; AT) is very useful, because it allows to deal 
effectively with large fraction of blunders, such those resulting 
from automatic extraction of tie points by matching techniques. 
However as in case of relative orientation, derivation of 
geometric parameters must be computed. 
1.3 Three-image orientation through exhaustive research 
In this work, we tried to solve the non-linear problem of three- 
image orientation based on the classical background of 
photogrammetry. Solution such as those based on the trifocal 
tensor could be very useful for stand alone problems such as 
those of machine vision. When approximate values of geometric 
orientation parameters of a standard photogrammetric block 
have to be found, a solution giving this parameterization (or a 
similar one, e.g. requiring only a 3D transform) would be better. 
In Mussio & Pozzoli (2003a,b) a solution of relative orientation 
problem based on exhaustive research of the preliminary values 
of parameters has been proposed. 
Exploring the 3D space with a step of II/4 is possible to find all 
the preliminary values of the unknown orientation parameters. 
This idea want to avoid the linearization of the orientation 
functions supplying the lack of information about the position 
and the attitude of an image. 
In reality the paper of Thompson (1959), coming from 
photogrammetry, already proposed a linear method for 
relative orientation which was similar to that of Longuet- 
; Higgins. 
- Also in this case (see note 1), formulation of the dependency 
among three images was already published — in 
photogrammetry by Rinner & Burkhardt (1972). 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
The main function of photogrammetry is the transformation of 
data from the image space to the object space. We can make this 
transformation in a direct way, with collinearity equations, or in 
two steps, with the formation of a model and, only in a second 
time, reconstructing the original object (Kraus, 1993). First of 
all, we have to take into consideration that: 
-  animage is not a map; 
- at least two images are needed for reconstructing an 
A relation of roto-traslation with scale variation constitutes the 
link between the coordinates of the point Q (x,y,z) in an image, 
and the coordinates of the corresponding point P (X,Y,Z) in the 
object space. Both reference systems are traditionally Cartesian 
reference systems, but the same is true, with minor changes, 
using a different reference system, suitable linked to the 
previous ones. Let us show the above mentioned relation: 
xt X X9 
M mAh; y — f (1) 
2 £o 
where x^, y^. c = image coordinates and principal distance 
X90. Yo, Zg 7 coordinates of projection center 
X, Y, Z 7 object coordinates 
À = scale factor, variable point by point 
Figure 1. Reference Photogrammetric Systems 
The photogrammetric technique is based on a transformation of 
a perspective (or a couple of perspectives) in a quoted 
orthogonal projection. In this transformation, we have non- 
linear equations and, before starting the plotting, we need 
information about the preliminary value of unknown 
parameters. Our main aim is to find expressions working with 
parameters easy to be obtained. We choose a ‘wo steps 
procedure to orient two images in the 3D space. This procedure 
does not use the classical collinearity equations (/2 parameters: 
X, Yy Zi X» Yo, Z; -coordinates of the two projection 
centers, and 6, Qi, K |, 0», Q2, K» -attituded angles of the two 
sensors), but separates the model formation (Relative 
Orientation) from the object reconstruction (Absolute 
Orientation). In this procedure, we define the problem of

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