Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 Inte 
Pointgrey Research Inc., 2004. 
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Scharstein, D. and R. Szeliski, 2002. A taxonomy and 
evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence 
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Shiraishi, M. and Y. Yamaguchi, 2000. An algorithm for 
automatic painterly rendering based on local source image 
approximation. In: Proc. NPAR '00, ACM Press, pp. 53-58. 
(c) left image (fine strokes) 
Zhang, Y. and C. Kambhamettu, 2002. Stereo-based matching 
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(b) right image (coarse strokes) 
(d) right image (fine strokes) 
Figure 5. Results obtained by applying the stereoscopic painting algorithm to figure 2. For the images in the top row, two layers of 
paint with brush stroke radii of 8 and 4 pixels were applied. The finer strokes in the bottom row were generated using three layers of 
paint with brush stroke radii of 8, 4, and 2 pixels.

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