t B3. Istanbul 2004
latest global geoid
meter) :
lar pulses towards
f 1000 pulses per
signal, called the
ring the reception
rd before switching
detail step by step
round surface. For
ce, the reflection is
gure 2.
n flat surface
ed by the on-board
signal is received
the pulse in the
hits the ground, the
face being a disc
s the corresponding
orresponding to the
wough" the ground
hrough” the ground
ing with increasing
dio wave the signal
tance, the returned
' till vanishing down
| reflecting surfaces
s the exploitation of
of strong variations
nding of the ground
specular waveforms
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
22.1 Specular waveforms :
the return signal from very reflective surfaces like water bodies.
In this case, the reflected energy is concentrated in a narrow
cone of reflection, which gives a very strong return signal
received by the altimeter in a very short period of time; this
gives a very sharp waveform as presented on figure 3 (left).
22.2 Non specular waveforms : Non specular waveforms
result from the interaction of the altimeter's transmitted pulse
with scattering surface found in rough terrain. In this case, the
return signal power is much lower than for specular waveform
and reception of return scattered signal is spread over a larger
time than for specular echo (the cone of reflection extends
much wider from the vertical axis)
Mt 300
120 2500
10000 Flanc
: e 291 Frontde
989) Pmav? 2 montée
$ 3 150
4610 :
3 Q
Sm 1000
a0 50
rrr rn " ps : : :
in a 94 F9 6 1^ 4 2 39 43 8
Figure 3 : Specular (left) and non specular (right) waveforms
(note that Y power scale is not the same for both cases)
23 Retracking
Because of highly complex waveforms, particularly in non
specular case, altimeter data over land must be post-processed
to produce accurate surface elevation. This post-processing,
called “retracking”, is required because the leading edge (also
called the *ramp") of the terrain return waveform deviates from
the on-board altimeter tracking gate (predicted location of
waveform ramp mid-point), causing a significant error in the
telemetered range measurement. Retracking altimetry data is
done by computing the starting point of waveform's leading
edge from the altimeter tracking gate and correcting the satellite
range measurement (and surface elevation) accordingly. Figure
4. illustrates this concept .
signal power tracking gate : ;
actual location of
ramp mid-point
NU g
range measu rement
Figure 4. Retracking correction
Specular waveforms result of
3.1 Threshold values for selection of specular echoes
Water bodies situated up to 18 km off-nadir can return strong
specular signal . From our experience, a water body echo
should be within the following threshold values :
0,5 gate « ramp duration « 1 gate
(1 gate = 12,12 ns equivalent to about 2m range for ERS)
rear edge slope « -0,11 Neper/gate
(Neper is the logarithmic value of the return signal)
coefficient of reflection > 22dB
(coefficient of reflection = total return energy / emitted energy)
3.2 Matching of specular data with water bodies
Though the range measured between the satellite and a water
body is very accurate (thanks to the sharp return signal), the
main problem is that the altimeter tracking system keeps locked
to the water body even when it is well off-nadir (more than 10
km is commonly observed) causing a slope error which has to
be corrected to get the water body elevation with enough
ground surface
. . I L |
ellipsoid « Pa
Figure 5. Off-nadir signal geometry
Simple geometric consideration as shown on figure 5 brings the
corrected value :
H = Z — SORT (D? —L’)
H : ellipsoid altitude of water body
D : Altimeter range measurement
Z : ellipsoid altitude of satellite
L : horizontal distance between satellite nadir and water body
The major cause of inaccuracy in the determination of altitude
H comes from the inaccurate horizontal position of the water
body itself (small scale available topographical maps give that
position with about 250 m absolute accuracy, which makes a
vertical error of about 4 meters for a water body situated 10 km