Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

tanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 
Figure 4. Estimation of fuel parameters at inventory plot within 
dense canopy unit, Capitol Forest study area. 
32 IFSAR canopy fuel estimation 
Multiple regression analysis was used to develop a 
mathematical model relating the radar backscatter and 
interferometric information to the observed fuel parameters at 
the plot level. At each inventory plot, the observed IFSAR data 
from all passes were extracted and aggregated. 
Summary statistics for each set of aggregated plot-level IFSAR 
observables were then calculated and used as predictor 
variables. These data included mean, median, maximum, 
minimum, and coefficient of variation of: 1) Canopy heights 
(X-band minus P-band elevations) 2) X-band backscatter , 3) 
X-band coherence, 4) P-band VV backscatter, 5) P-band VH 
backscatter, 6) P-band HH backscatter, 7) 1* optimized 
coherence (P-band), 8) ond optimized coherence (P-band) , 9) a 
optimized coherence (P-band), 10) Wrapped phase (X-band), 
and 11) 3" optimized unwrapped phase (P-band) . 
In addition, an IFSAR-based canopy density estimate was 
caleulated as the percentage of observed canopy elevations 
greater than 2 meters in height. Stepwise and "best" subsets 
variable selection algorithms were then used to develop the 
"best fit" model for each fuel parameter at the plot level. 
41 Canopy height 
The correlation between IFSAR observables and canopy height 
was quite high, with a coefficient of multiple determination (RY) 
of 0.89 and an adjusted R? of 0.88. It should be noted that the 
adjusted R^ measure will place a penalty on models with 
numerous extraneous predictor variables. ^ A scatterplot of 
field-based canopy height measurements versus predicted 
values is shown in Figure 5. 
Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Field Canopy Height (m) 
T T T T T 
10 20 30 40 50 
Predicted Canopy Height (m) 
Figure 5. Field-based (y) versus predicted canopy height 
measurements (x) (with 1:1 line shown). 
4.2 Canopy base height 
The regression model developed to predict canopy base height 
had an R? of 0.85 and adjusted R? of 0.83. A scatterplot of field- 
based canopy base height measurements versus predicted values 
is shown in Figure 6. 
Field Canopy Base Height (m) 
T T T T T T 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 
Predicted Canopy Base Height (m) 
Figure 6. Field-based (y) versus predicted canopy base height 
measurements (x) (with 1:1 line shown). 
4.3 Canopy bulk density 
The regression model developed to predict canopy bulk density 
had an R? of 0.74 and an adjusted R^ of 0.71. In this case a 
logarithmic transformation of the independent variable was 
used to stabilize the error variance. It should be noted that the

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