International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
Figure 6: (Left) Line strength image representing the absolute
values of the maximum negative eigenvalues of the Hessian ma-
trix. (Right) Gradient image representing the absolute values of
the sobel filter mask. The original image is given in figure 2.
as well as the mixed derivative. Large negative eigenvalues are
obtained for a bright line, whereas large positive eigenvalues cor-
respond to dark lines. We note that also point features lead to
large positive as well as negative eigenvalues, but they do not dis-
turb our procedure. As experience shows, that most of the roads
appear as bright lines in the images, only the maximum negative
eigenvalues are used. To take into account the information of all
image channels, the eigenvalues are calculated for every image
channel and the maximum of the absolute value for every pixel
is written into the line strength image. An example is shown in
figure 6, left.
Also the maximum gradient image is generated using all image
channels. For every image channel a Sobel image is calculated
using the medium absolute values. The maximum value for every
pixel of these Sobel images is taken for the maximum gradient
image (cf. fig. 6, right). By employing the line strength and the
gradient image as input data for our snake based approach we
focus on the features we are interested in, i.e., bar-shaped roads
and field borders.
3.4 Verification of Road Sections
A disadvantage of snakes is that they will minimize their energy
in any case, even if there are no meaningful image features avail-
able. This leads to the necessity to verify the result by examining
the path of the resulting snake. In our approach the verification
of the snake is synonymous with the verification of the road sec-
tions. As criteria for the correctness the line or edge strength
along the path of the snake is used. A section is verified only if
there is enough evidence for a linear feature along the path.
A grey value profile in the line strength or gradient image per-
pendicular to the snake direction is calculated for every snake
point. To evaluate the quality of a single point, the profile is
first smoothed with a Gaussian kernel. Then, the maximum value
along the profile and the position of the maximum are calculated.
For a valid point the maximum should be close to the center of
the profile and the second derivative along the profile at the max-
imum point should be significantly smaller than zero. To accept
a road section, the percentage of valid points needs to be larger
than a given threshold.
3.5 Global Grouping
The result of the previous step are individual road sections. To
construct a network, road sections are grouped into larger struc-
tures. As road sections may result from either line or edge fea-
tures they need to be fused first into linear features. To do so,
the road sections are evaluated using the quality measure gener-
ated by the previous verification. Because road sections resulting
from lines are more reliable, they are given a higher weight than
those obtained from edges. The result are the road sections with
the highest evaluation value.
An important property of a road network is, that most points on
the network can be reached from all other points along an optimal
path with a minimum detour. To make use of this property, we
generate link hypotheses according to (Wiedemann and Ebner,
2000). The distance between pairs of points within the network
is calculated along the existing network and along a hypothetical
optimal path, for which the Euclidean distance is used. To form
so-called preliminary link hypotheses, a detour factor is calcu-
lated as follows:
; network distance
detour fadtor= ———>x""" (3)
optimal distance
The link hypotheses are checked starting with the hypotheses
with the largest detour factor. If a link hypotheses is accepted,
the new connection is inserted into the road network. Due to
changes in the network, the generation of link hypotheses has to
be repeated. This is iterated until no more new link hypotheses
are generated. The result of the global grouping is the final road
For the validation of the proposed approach pan-sharpened IRS-
1C/D satellite images for a test site in northern Africa were used.
The images were selected in a way that they comprise different
road types in agricultural as well as in mountainous test arcas.
We have not yet generated reference data for a quantitative evalu-
ation, therefore, the validation is done just qualitatively by visual
Figure 7 shows the results obtained for the first image sample
shown in figure 2. The network extracted for this example shows,
that in agricultural areas not only main roads can be extracted,
but also smaller roads that connect, e.g., individual farms, for
instance on the right side of figure 7. One difficulty here is the
distinction between roads and paths that follow the borders of a
The second example (fig. 8 and 9) shows a complex road net-
work. Several small villages are connected by roads of different
importance. Most of the roads outside the villages were correctly
extracted. As the approach is developed for roads in agricultural
areas, the streets inside the villages could, as was to be expected,
mostly not be extracted. Worth to mention is the small number of
false positives.
The third example (fig. 10 and 11) shows a road passing through a
mountainous area. For this example the approach of (Wiedemann
et al., 1998) was used. No limitation for the maximal allowed
curvature was set.