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Hanns-F. Schuster
Institute of Photogrammetry, University of Bonn
Nussallee 15, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, Segmentation, Algorithm, Automation, Modelling, Point Cloud
We present an investigation on the use of Tensor Voting for categorizing LIDAR data into outliers, line elements (e.g.
high-voltage power lines), surface patches (e.g. roofs) and volumetric elements (e.g. vegetation).
The Reconstruction of man-made objects is a main task of photogrammetry. With the increasing quality and availability
of LIDAR sensors, range data is becoming more and more important. With LIDAR sensors it is possible to quickly aquire
huge amounts of data. But in contrast to classical systems, where the measurement points are chosen by an operator, the
data points do not explicitly correspond to meaningful points of the object, i.e. edges, corners, junctions. To extract these
features it is necessary to segment the data into homogeneous regions wich can be processed afterwards.
Our approach consists of a two step segmentation. The first one uses the Tensor Voting algorithm. It encodes every data
point as a particle which sends out a vector field. This can be used to categorize the pointness, edgeness and surfaceness
of the data points. After the categorization of the given LIDAR data points also the regions between the data points are
rated. Meaningful regions like edges and junctions, given by the inherent structure of the data, are extracted.
In a second step the so labeled points are merged due to a similarity constraint. This similarity constraint is based on a
minimum description length principle, encoding and comparing different geometrical models.
The output of this segmentation consists of non overlapping geometric objects in three dimensional space.
The aproach is evaluated with some examples of Lidar data.
With the increasing quality and availability and falling costs
of LIDAR-data there is a growing need for automatic de-
tection and reconstruction of the objects contained in the
data. A human can easily read the content of a point cloud
because our brain is highly trained in such context-based
segmentation tasks, but for automatic reconstruction we
need to have the location of meaningful features like cor-
ners, edges or junctions.
The Problem with LIDAR-data is, that the measured points
do not have any context information and the grid in which
they are measured is not oriented on these features. Nor-
mally the wanted features are only indirectly observable
e.g. by segmenting two planes and intersecting them.
In this paper we show the extraction of features like curves,
surfaces and junctions from a point cloud. therefore we
present a two-step procedure that uses the tensor voting
framework as a first step to categorize the input points into
three types of appearance. In a second step we use a seg-
mentation to merge the categorized points into curves and
The tensor voting framework (Tang et al., 2000) can not
only be used for handling 2D or 3D (Tang and Medioni,
1999) data but also to process motion fields (Nicolescu and
Medioni, 2003) or stereo data (Lee and Medioni, 1998).
In most cases the input data is of small scale (Tang and
Medioni, 1998) in contrast to LIDAR-data and the output
is only used for visualisation in pixel or voxel representa-
tion (G. Guy, 1997).
In section two we will have a look on the tensor voting
framework. In section three we show how the output of
the tensor voting can be segmented. The results of the
approach are presented in section four. In section five a
conclusion is presented followed by an outlook.
The goal of the tensor voting is to extract the structure in-
herently given in the point cloud.
The results of the tensor voting process are three coutinu-
ous vector fields, represented by discrete grid points. The
scalar part of these fields represent the likelihood of the lo-
cation in space to be a point, part of a curve, a surface. The
vector part represents the orientation of the occurence.
These three fields can be searched through to find maxima
which represent the most likely location of a wanted fea-
2.1 TensorVoting in physical analogy
To explain the concept of Tensor Voting with an analogy
to physics, we can compare the Tensorfield with a physical
field of force, e.g. a magnetic field. We can imagine that
the object which is represented in the point cloud has a
magnetic field. It propagates its field into the space around
the object.
If we put iron particles into this field, these are affected by
the field so that they act as little magnetic dipoles which
align their field along the field lines of the object. If we
add enough particles we can infer the form of the field of
the object and thus the form of the object by interpolating
the little parts of the field send out by the particles.
In the case of the tensor voting we walk this path back-
wards: First we have the particles in space which are our