Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
the surface-part of the tensor. 
The algorithm compares each location to its direct neigh- 
bors and computes a value for each pair by applying the 
homogenity criterion. These values are ranked then and 
the couples which fit best together will be merged. For the 
merged locations the homogenity criterion is again applied 
in combination with each of the new neighbors. This pro- 
cedure is repeated until no fitting pairs are found anymore. 
The metioned homogenity criterion is based on the mini- 
mum-description-length (MDL) principle (Rissanen, 1987). 
The goal of the MDL principle is to select the simplest 
model that explains the data. This is based on the informa- 
tion theory (Shannon, 1948) where it is possible to express 
the likelihood of an event with the length necessary to en- 
code its occurance. In this case we have two models to 
compare: two neighbors fit or dont fit. therefore the plane, 
its uncertainity of orientation in space and the length of 
the boundary of the two single regions are compared to the 
hypotheticaly merged case. The value of saving if coding 
length in case of a merging is the desired value. The higher 
is it the earlier the neighbors are merged. 
3.3 Segmentation of curves 
For the segmenation of 3D curves there are also diverse 
methods to find in literature (Lindeberg and Li, 1997). In 
our case we define simple region growing like in the plane 
segmenter, but so far we dont apply a mathematical model 
for the curve. As homogenity criterion we define the sim- 
ple constraint that neighbored locations are merged, if the 
distance and the difference of the orientation of the curve- 
part does not exceed a certain value. By applying this cri- 
terion we get a collection of points defining a 3D curve. 
For visualisation we take these points as sampling points 
for splines. 
In this section we present three different datasets. The first 
one is a synthetical one. It containes a dice with a bor- 
derlength of five fig. (5). It consists of equally distributet 
points on the surface of the dice. These points are con- 
tamined with gaussian noise. After the first, sparse voting 
step the points have influenced each other fig. (6). The re- 
sult of the second voting step is shown in fig. (7), which 
are the decomposed fields after the maximum search. 
The second data set is data of an airborn laser scanner, that 
contains high voltage power lines fig. (8). In fig. (9) there 
is an enlargement of the scene where the arcs of the power 
lines are replaced by a spline which has been created with 
the segmented points. 
The third data set is taken by a terrestrial laser scanner and 
contains a facade fig. (10). In fig. (11) there are the points 
replaced by the planes found by the segmenter of 3.2 
We presented a segmentation algorithm which yields good 
results for the processing of terrestrial or airborne LIDAR- 
Figure 5: The test dice 
Figure 6: Result after the first voting step 
The advantage of the preprocessing with the tensor voting 
framework is that featured like edges, even if it is only im- 
plicitly contained in the data, emerge from the point cloud 
by continuing the tensor field. By this the decision of fit- 
ting data points to one or an other mathematical model in 
the segmentation step can be avoided, and the segmenta- 
tion algorithm can be kept simple. 
A problem is the value of c, the range of influence inside 
the tensor voting. It has to be chosen in the context of the 
data-characteristics and can destroy the results if it is badly 
Here it is solved in the knowledge that the data have the 
characteristics of LIDAR-data. So they are eugally dis- 
tributed in a grid-like structure in x-y-plane and can be tri- 
angulated in 2D in the view from the Laser scanner. The 
value of the dense grid and the c variable is calculated as 
mean value over all distances of the triangulated Network 
over the point cloud. More investigation is necessary at 
this point. 
Some improvement can also be done by implementing dif- 
ferent geometrical models in the segmentation procedures. 
In this context it would be interesting to extract for exam- 
ple general surfaces and chain lines. 
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