Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
into the same category as those two to a single range im- 
In (Sester and Fórstner, 1989), the concept of fitting 
generic models, described by a set of parameters, is pre- 
sented. In this paper. emphasis is put on dealing with un- 
There is also an extensive repertoire of employing search 
algorithms for matching problems. In (Rottensteiner, 
2001), we find a classification of matching techniques 
which is based on (Gülch, 1994). According to this, there 
are three main branches of matching algorithms: 
1. Raster based matching: Correspondences of images 
or image patches are found by comparing grey levels 
or function of grey levels. 
. Feature based matching: Features are extracted from 
images and mapping occurs between those features. 
This means basically finding matches between the ge- 
ometric description of objects found in different im- 
. Relational matching (Vosselman, 1992): Here. topo- 
logical relations of features found in images are 
matched. This is achieved by creating feature adja- 
cency graphs first and then searching for matches be- 
tween those graphs. 
Building interpretation trees is a technique often used to 
establish mappings between the items in the respective 
search space. Depending on whether one wants to find 
some matches or all matches between model and data pix- 
els, features or graph nodes, a partial or exhaustive search 
needs to be conducted. 
In our case, we want to match geometric features doing an 
exhaustive search to find all relevant structures in a build- 
ing's facade. To achieve this, we use a constrained search 
approach which is described in detail later. Several ob- 
ject recognition systems were successfully implemented 
using this technique. Earlier work includes (Grimson et al., 
1990), (Flynn and Jain, 1991) and (Walker, 1999), where 
fuzzy rules are used to allow for uncertainty in the mea- 
surement of the constraint parameters. 
We are looking for structures in façades, like windows, 
doors and ornaments, that have the following properties: 
|. They occur repeatedly and are arranged in a certain 
way, for example in rows and columns or other regu- 
lar fashions. 
. They consist of features that represent discontinuities, 
i. €. edges. 
3. They have the same size. 
4. They have identical geometric properties, like angles 
and distances between edges. 
Starting from these prerequisites, we construct models for 
the facade structures. For the moment. we concentrate on 
windows. These models consist so far of straight lines. The 
simplest model is a rectangle with variable aspect ratio. 
More complex models have a rectangle as the outline and 
also contain interior structure like grids which are often 
found in windows. Figure 1 shows those generic models 
Figure 1: Models for windows. 
To find instances of these models, we have to decide on 
a suitable representation of the laser scan data and extract 
straight lines. Those straight lines are then matched to one 
of the models using search, as described in chapter 4. 
The range image of a terrestrial laser scan is used. A subset 
of the point cloud containing a building's facade is clipped. 
The range image is modified so that the facade appears 
parallel to the image plane, i.e. points having the same 
distance from the facade are assigned the same range value 
(see figure 2). 
Range Image Plane 
Projected Rays 
Figure 2: Modified range image. 
Burns' line extracting algorithm (Burns et al., 1986) is then 
used to segment the range image. The result is a table of 
straight segments representing breaks in depth of the range 
image. Segments are filtered for length as very short seg- 
ments are usually insignificant. We now give a short de- 
scription of how Burns' algorithm works. Our implemen- 
tation for the application of this algorithm on range images 
is identical to the one for ordinary images, no adaption is 
For the line extraction, gradient images in x and y direction 
are calculated for the range image. Pixels are then sorted 
into overlapping buckets according to their gradient. Pixels 
in the same bucket are grouped using region labelling. For 
each region, a plane is fitted which represents the gradient 
slope in that region. This plane is then intersected with 
a plane representing the average gradient in every region. 
This way, straight lines are obtained. The lines are clipped 
by the boundaries of their support regions. 
Those 2D segments can be transformed into 3D by finding 
points in the point cloud corresponding to the endpoints of 
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