Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
5.2 Search 
The model derived during initialization is now searched 
for in the whole edge image or a user-defined subsection 
thereof. It can be freely rotated or translated, but the aspect 
ratio is kept constant, and only a limited amount of scaling 
is allowed, as we will see later. 
An edge image can consist of several hundred edges, so 
pruning of the interpretation tree is inevitable. The an- 
gle and distance constraint defined earlier are used for 
that. The distance constraint also rules out solutions which 
would require scaling of the model beyond the bounds of 
the constraint, which accounts for the limited amount of 
Because there are usually many edges in the facade of a 
building and the number of edges determines the depth of 
the tree, careful application of constraints is necessary to 
avoid search explosion. It is possible to divide the search 
space and search several small trees instead of one big one. 
For this, the edge image is tiled after initialization. Tiles 
are twice as big as the initialized model, and tiling takes 
place in a way that tiles overlap halfway so every correct 
solution is contained in at least one complete tile, although 
it can also be contained partially in several other tiles. 
Effectively, tiling means enforcing the distance constraint 
in a way that two data segments can't be part of the same 
match if their distance is more than twice the size of the 
model. For the search inside the individual tiles, the dis- 
tance constraint can now be relaxed without causing a 
search explosion because the number of edges inside a tile 
is usually small by comparison to the total number of edges 
in a building facade. 
It is also possible to filter edges after initialization and be- 
fore further search. An angle criterion can be used because 
after the first fit it is known which angles edges have to be 
suitable candidates for more matches. 
Another way to reduce complexity during search and also 
eliminate finding the same solution several times is to 
delete data edges from the search space after matching 
them successfully. If a real edge consists of several seg- 
mented edges, more than one match could be found which 
essentially represents the same building structure. In fact, 
only one solution is of interest, so the rest can be safely 
omitted. Apart from this, due to the rotational symmetry of 
models, a solution is found multiple times, once for each 
orientation of the model. If data edges are deleted after 
finding the first solution, this can’t happen anymore. 
6.1 Tests 
We testet our procedure on various single laser scans of 
buildings. This section presents the results for the Opera 
House in Hannover. First, the range image is calculated 
and line extraction is applied. The edge image is shown in 
figure 4. A section of the edge image showing a single win- 
dow was selected and used for initialization of a rectangle 
(figure 5). 
Figure 4: Edge image. 
A small frame is defined by the user for an initial estimate 
of one window. A generic rectangle is fitted and stretched 
according to the window's proportions (see figure 5). No 
constraints are used. 
Figure 5: Initialized model. 
After successful initialization, multiple occurrences of this 
window are found by matching the rectangle to the edges 
inside a user-defined bigger frame, which can contain the 
whole façade or a particularly interesting part thereof (see 
figure 6). Full automation for this step is aimed for, so far 
the user also needs to define deviations for the constraints 
so a meaningful fit is achieved. 
In figure 6, 1t can be seen that windows of similar size and 
shape as the initial window are successfully found. Some 
of the windows are found multiple times. This is due to 
the fact that there are many small edges for each window 
and the initial rectangle can be successfully fitted into sev- 
eral different subsets of them. To remedy this problem, one 
could apply a more complex window model, or otherwise 
use a filtering postprocessing step which eliminates over- 
lapping matches. No meaningful matches are found in the 
central part of the building. 
Figure 6: Correspondences found. 

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