Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
a b 
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Figure 5: Constraints at work: while the user modifies the 
scene, constraints are simultaneously set up and solved. 
(a) Scene with constraints, as defined in figure 3. (b) When 
the primitives are turned, they keep aligned. (c) An ad- 
ditional constraint is inserted which links the lower right 
point of A to the lower left point of B. (d) The "rectangu- 
lar" constraints are switched off for B, but the point and 
line stay aligned. 
regularity constraints of objects inside black boxes which 
appear to the user as traditional CSG primitives. Thus, the 
advantages of CSG and B-rep modelling are combined. 
There is much room for extensions to obtain a truly inter- 
active system. Even though there are not many constraints 
to be “wired” by a user, inserting them should be very in- 
tuitive — and not be associated with editing a graph repre- 
sentation of the scene. For example, when a user drags an 
object part close to another object, the system should au- 
tomatically propose the constraints which make sense be- 
tween the two objects involved. The same holds for associ- 
ating primitives with measured or pre-segmented data. The 
next step will be to apply the approach to a truly 2D/3D 
setup, where image and laser scan data from aerial and ter- 
restrial sensors are combined. 
This work has been funded by the VolkswagenStiftung, 
Germany, http://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/. 
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