Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
plane. Afterwards the distance from each point within the 
mask to the estimated plane and the corresponding RMS 
value is calculated. As an alternative the minimum eigen- 
value can be used. However, the error value is stored in 
a separate layer or image with the same dimension as the 
scan image at the position of the initial value of the filter 
mask. Small error values indicate that all local points are 
fitting to the estimated plane. Such positions are suitable 
as a seed region for region growing. 
This method only requires a filter mask size as parameter. 
If the terrestrial laser scan is very dense, it is not necessary 
to calculate an error value for each measured point. In this 
case even small surfaces on a scanned object are covered 
by hundreds of scan points. For example, a facade of a 
building is scanned with an averaged resolution of 5 cm 
point density at the object. Then also small surfaces are 
detected as a seed, even if not every measurement value is 
taken into account. 
3.2.3 Region Growing The region growing is a seg- 
mentation process, the scan points are assigned to planar 
regions. Therefore again the advantage of the regular raster 
is used. In practice, the initial seed pixels are given by 
the generated RMS-image, the smallest value is used at 
first. Now a plane is estimated using pixels around the 
seed region. The corresponding values are read out from 
the different layers within the given area and the coordi- 
nates are used to define the initial plane. The region grows 
by adding neighbouring pixels to the seed that fit to the 
plane. Thereby the distance between plane and 3D point is 
checked against a threshold that defines the maximum dis- 
tance. After adding a certain number of points to a region, 
the plane parameters are recalculated using the already as- 
signed 3D points. The region grows until no more points 
are added to the plane. Then the next seed region is se- 
lected and a new region is created. These steps are repeated 
until all points are assigned to a region, all possible seed re- 
gions have been used or a predefined maximum number of 
regions have been created. Optionally the created regions 
can be filtered by several criteria. For example small re- 
gions, where only few points have been assigned to, can be 
removed or the planes can be classified according to their 
normal vector. 
3.3 Determination of the transformation parameters 
After extracting planes from the scan data the next step in 
the registration process is to calculate the transformation 
parameters of a rigid motion between two different scan 
positions. Grimson (Grimson, 1990) and also Jiang and 
Bunke (Jiang and Bunke, 1997) describe the determination 
of the transformation parameters separated in rotation and 
translation. The complete transformation from a scan po- 
sition Sy into a reference scan position 5$, is given in ho- 
mogenous coordinates by a 4 x 4 matrix: 
Ts;-si -( 0 1 ) (7 
The 3 x 3 sub-matrix R contains the rotation and the 3 x 
| vector 7' the translation parameters. By using also ho- 
mogenous coordinates for the measured points in a laser 
scan, the computation of transformed points is a single ma- 
trix multiplication. 
3.3.1 Rotation The determination of the rotation ma- 
trix can be done by vector operations. Two pairs of cor- 
responding planes are sufficient to determine the rotation. 
If there are several pairs of corresponding features the ro- 
tation may be calculated for all possible combinations and 
the median of the parameters can be computed. Alterna- 
of the absolute angular deviation can be 
minimized. Any rotation can be expressed by a rotation 
axis and an angle of rotation about this axis. The direction 
of the axis is defined by: 
s S ; 
n;' and n;? are the normalized vectors of corresponding 
planes in the scans $4 and S5. Two corresponding pairs of 
planes represented by the indices ¢ and j are necessary for 
the determination of the rotation axis r;;. The vector rj; is 
S, ; 
orthogonal to n?? — n; 
s. S 
and n; 2 n; ; 
If the rotation axis r is known, the rotation angle 0 can 
be determined from the corresponding pair (n? Ë n>?) by 
using the relationship: 
n?! — cosün?? --(1—cos0)(r-n??)r--sin G(rxn7?) (9) 
Algebraic manipulation yields: 
x (10) 
From this, the angle 0 can be obtained. Using the angle 0 
and the rotation axix 7 = (r,,ry,rz), the rotation matrix 
R is defined by: 
R = cos0 - 1. 0) + 
0..0 +1 
n^ ToTg Tel 
2 : 
(1 T COS 0) TyTx r= TyTz + 
y ) 
TT. TYaTy — T. 
0 =F ial 
sin 0 La (hom (12) 
E ahi 0 
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